Wednesday 9 December 2020

Talking to Texas

Captain Butterfly had a shorter more local detecting day on Sunday so he was able to return in time to watch the Rugby Match between England and France.  I believe England scored more runs (or some such things) than France did.  What puzzles me is why anyone risks going near that ball at all.  Whoever gets it is set upon by a load of guys built like steamrollers, and if and when he emerges he is usually not only mud-stained but blood-stained.

Terrifying.  If  - shudder - I ever found myself on a rugby pitch I would hurtle away from that ball as fast as my zimmer could carry me.

I began to reply to the cards that start to come at this time of year.  One contained a letter from an old Uni friend, telling what happened when they embarked on a cruise, just before the Covid Crisis struck.  And it contained an interesting sidelight on the times we are living in, as the ship carried precautions against pirates - water cannons on deck for example!

They did make it back safely, thank God. But it was in no way the holiday they had been hoping for.

We had a  lovely surprise on Monday when the Chuckmeister and his daughter Joy appeared on our screens for a video chat.  We were friends with Chuck and Mary on Planet Expat, holidayed with them (they too were divers), had weekends in Bahrain together, met up in Oz (on our respective repats) and missed them very much when they finally retired to Texas.  Many happy memories.

Threescore years and ten goes so quickly. So quickly.  So here is the next extract from the Watchtower article on the Resurrection, still under the heading "Appreciate Jehovah's Wisdom".  Please don't forget that Jehovah is the very Source of wisdom. We cannot go wrong if we listen to him.

16. What questions do you need to ask yourself, and how can the answers help you to know how much you trust in Jehovah?

16 If enemies of Jehovah threaten you with death, will you be willing to entrust him with your life? How can you know? One way is to ask yourself, ‘Do the small decisions I make each day give evidence that I trust in Jehovah?’ (Luke 16:10) Another question could be, ‘Does my lifestyle prove that I trust in Jehovah’s promise to care for my material needs if I seek his Kingdom first?’ (Matt. 6:31-33) If the answer to those questions is yes, then you prove that you trust in Jehovah, and you will be prepared for any trial that comes your way.​—Prov. 3:5, 6.

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