Friday 18 December 2020

Foam Flowers in December

There were foam flowers heaped on the road as we drove to the Dentist on Wednesday - at just the point where a wave broke over Jackie's car when she was driving along the front many years ago.  It was a wonderful stormy day. The earth is so lovely - and the system of things on the earth at the moment is so difficult, so stressful.

Here is a quote from "A Forsaken Garden" (by Swinburne):

Heart handfast in heart as they stood, 'Look thither,'
Did he whisper ? 'look forth from the flowers to the sea;
For the foam-flowers endure when the rose-blossoms wither,
And men that love lightly may die — but we?'

And yes, I feel as transient as those foam flowers - just nowhere near as lovely.  The Captain and I have been together for more than 50 years, and married for most of them, but how much longer do we have.  We are both in the ThreescoreYearsandTen Zone.

Many years ago, as I was approaching 40 I began to think very seriously about how short a time we have to be with the people we love, how short a time we have to be on this beautiful planet.  And I began to seek for the Maker, the Creator. I wanted to know if there was any purpose behind the creation. But I also wanted to say thankyou for the beauty of it all.

And I found the truth of Jesus' words when he said:  “Keep on asking, and it will be given you; keep on seeking, and you will find; keep on knocking, and it will be opened to you." - Matthew 7:7

And when I found my Creator, Jehovah, I found a real hope - a hope of the life in perfection on the paradise earth that our first parents so tragically rejected.  

Cards and news of old friends arrive and I am trying to respond to all of them.   And also I am continuing to witness by letter. 

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