Saturday 12 December 2020

Sandwich Fairy versus Tooth Fairy

I like the Sandwich Fairy. And I like the Tooth Fairy.  But which is best?  FIGHT!!   Yet it seems that the poor Tooth Fairy has already lost a fight as she is just about to lose her two front teeth. I had an emergency dental appointment this week, and not only do I have a split tooth, that will have to be crowned, but my two front teeth are rotting away under their crowns...   As I was there I mentioned what I thought was a small problem with them - and, oh dear... still its a good thing I did.   I have an appointment in January, and the dentist says he won't know what is to be done about it until he has seen what is left underneath.

And the Captain too has lost a crown and also has a fearsome appointment ahead.

This is another aspect of the ThreeScoreYearsandTen Zone I guess.  And of course I am also wondering how much this has contributed to my very poor health over the last six months?   I am dreading the appointments, but want them done and dusted and over with. What I will be left with in the way of front teeth remains to be seen.   Will I even be able to appear in public again afterwards?!   I look horrid enough on the Zoom camera as it is.

Bea of the North reminded me of that song: "All I want for Christmas is my two front teeth"...  well, as I don't celebrate Christmas, I guess I will have to wait till after Armageddon when Jehovah will make all things new.  (And if I am not to be there, then I won't be needing any teeth anyway.)

And, given that we were created to last for ever - Genesis tells us that our first parents would only die if they disobeyed their Creator - I do wonder if we weren't meant to go on regrowing our teeth, as we needed them?

Let's hope we are all there to find out. Which does bring me very neatly to the conclusion of the Watchtower article about the Resurrection.


17. (a) How does the resurrection show that Jehovah is patient? (b) How can we show our appreciation for Jehovah’s patience?

17 Jehovah has a fixed day and hour when he will bring an end to this old system. (Matt. 24:36) He will not become impatient and act before that time. He has a longing to resurrect the dead, but he is patient. (Job 14:14, 15) He is waiting until the right time arrives to raise them to life. (John 5:28) We have good reasons to appreciate Jehovah’s patience. Just think: Because Jehovah is patient, many people, including us, have had time “to attain to repentance.” (2 Pet. 3:9) Jehovah wants as many people as possible to have the opportunity to gain everlasting life. So let us show that we appreciate his patience. How? By earnestly looking for those who are “rightly disposed for everlasting life” and helping them to love Jehovah and serve him. (Acts 13:48) Then they will benefit from Jehovah’s patience, just as we have.

18. Why should we be patient with others?

18 Jehovah will patiently wait until the end of the thousand years before he expects us to be perfect. Until that time, Jehovah is willing to overlook our sins. Surely, then, we have reason to look for the good in others and to be patient with them. Consider the example of one sister whose husband began suffering from severe anxiety attacks and stopped attending meetings. “This was very painful for me,” she says. “Our plans for our future as a family were turned upside down.” Yet through it all, this loving wife was patient with her husband. She relied on Jehovah and never gave up. Like Jehovah, she looked past the problem and focused on the good things about her husband. She says, “My husband has wonderful qualities, and he is working to recover, little by little.” How important it is that we are patient with those in our family or congregation who are trying to overcome difficult challenges!

19. What should we be determined to do?

19 Jesus and the angels were joyful when the earth was first created. But imagine how happy they will be to see the earth full of perfect people, who love and serve Jehovah. Imagine the joy that those who were brought from the earth to heaven to rule with Christ will feel as they see mankind benefiting from their work. (Rev. 4:4, 9-11; 5:9, 10) And imagine living when tears of joy replace tears of pain, when sickness, sorrow, and death are gone forever. (Rev. 21:4) Until then, be determined to imitate your loving, wise, and patient Father. If you do, you will maintain your joy, no matter what trials you face. (Jas. 1:2-4) How thankful we can be for Jehovah’s promise that “there is going to be a resurrection”!​—Acts

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