Sunday 27 September 2020

The Lovely Susan (or The Detectorist with a Black Eye)

The Lovely Susan is a name I have in reserve in case a moth previously unknown to science should turn up on our balcony.  And we get to name it.  They are all exquisitely lovely, miracles of art and engineering, as they are Jehovah's creations. The rest of the look on it as random choice.

I was a tiny bit hopeful as a beautiful banded creature I don't remember seeing before turned up this morning, but when I proposed my name to the Captain, he said, that (a) it already had a name, and (b) (indignantly) it was exquisitely lovely so the name I proposed would not be suitable. And I hope that explains the "black eye" in my blog title.

Anyway he is now happily detecting away, somewhere in the Wiltshire Wilderness, with only my cake and sandwiches (and a million pubs, restaurants and coffee shops) between him and starvation.  Ooops - that is to say only the lunch provided by the Sandwich Fairy.   And I had a lovely congregation Zoom meeting, followed by 10 minutes in the chat rooms after.  A point I do take away from it is how important it is we forgive each other.  Forgiving is not so hard when there is a real apology...  but when there isn't it is much more problematical.  

We - us damaged children of Adam - all need constant forgiveness from our Creator, that is the thing.  And can he forgive us not forgiving others as we should?  The ransom sacrifice is so powerful - we must  not give up. Sometimes all I can achieve is not to retaliate in kind, which is maybe the first step.  But I also know its not enough, as if I could get my heart right, and love my neighbour as myself, there would be no problem.

On Friday, I did have some small practical achievements.  I curried the mushrooms from our supermarket delivery on Wednesday - and also made a bean and veggie chile, plus another batch of cakes for the freezer, for the packed lunches.  I made Mark's favourite, marmalade muffins.  I should not eat cake at all now, but I did share half a warm muffin with the Captain - for quality control purposes.  It is a recipe (Cranks) that has never let me down yet. And it didn't this time.  Anyway, they are safely in the freezer now, so the Sandwich Fairy will be able to continue doing her stuff.

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