Wednesday 30 September 2020

It's now the last day of September - I remember saying in Spring that it would be Autumn before we knew it - and that was just yesterday it seems. I drew the curtains this morning to find our balcony geraniums blazing away under the outside light - left on all night to welcome all to Hotel du Moth - with a bit of pale sky on the horizon under a dark and ominous cloud.  The Captain took a photo, but I don't know how much it will be able to convey of the moment. And it really needs to be seen from the counterpoint of the glowing balcony.

Now I look at the photo, yes, it does convey what I saw.  And if we are on the earth a million years from now, as I hope we all will be, and we have seen a million splendid sunrises and sunsets in the restored earthly Paradise, we will never have seen one like this.  The creation is miraculous in its diversity.

The days continue to rush past even though I am confined to home.  My siblings and I had our usual Zoom chat yesterday, all seem well, coping and being creative.  And we keep in touch with Jacks, Bea, Jean etc via phone, email, Zoom

As the Covid crisis continues, there are confusing new instructions all the time about whether we can stay in, go out, have a "bubble" of more than 6 etc etc, but as my arthritis has got me locked down at the moment, I don't have to worry too much.  But I notice on the rare occasions I do go out - hobbling to my latest medical thingummy - I am not very Covid-aware, not too good at remembering to keep my distance.  We always wear our masks when required though.

They are saying that a million have died worldwide from this current plague - but I do not know how accurate those figures are.  It is strange and surreal and so far there seems no end to it.  I do remember the Captain said when we were locked down in March that we could still be in lockdown by next year. 

I don't know when the door to door ministry will re-start.  So please let me remind you that you can call at our virtual door at and find out what it is we are trying and trying to tell you.  

Maybe you would like to think about the question raised below. And if you want to see how wonderfully the Bible answers it please go to the link.

To Think About

Does it make sense that the God who created such beauty in the world would consign us to a life of suffering?

Secular-minded people view suffering as a reason to question God’s motives​—or even his existence. They believe that suffering shows that either (1) God is powerless to stop it, (2) God does not care to stop it, or (3) God does not exist.

Are those really the only options?

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