Friday 27 March 2020

The Food Bank Box

Here is another good Coronacrisis joke (bearing in mind that here in the UK, the Toilet Roll shelves in Supermarkets are being emptied by hoarders):  BREAKING NEWS: Customs officials at Dover have discovered two tons of toilet roll hidden inside cocaine. 

And here is another one, courtesy of my bro in Oz - who points out it is an oldie but with a new lease of life: I recently bought a toilet brush, but don't really like it. I'm definitely going back to paper.

But the situation certainly is no joke. There is no saying how long the virus will rampage;  how many will die; when this lockdown will end;  and what will be left of the world when it does end.  What about those who live day to day, hand to mouth, feeding themselves on what they can earn, or beg, in a day?!   And many many hard working small businesses will go to the wall if it doesn't end quickly.

On what may have been my last supermarket trip for the duration, I noticed that the Food Bank Box at Waitrose had been moved behind the Information counter.  Hopefully it was a precaution, not a reaction to something that had happened.  And I noted that it was filling up nicely.  We need to remember the Box as it may now be out of sight.

I still don't know (at the time of actually typing this) whether I am unlocked for the Thursday night meeting or not.  Due to my own incompetence and idiocy (and my Resident Computer Expert not being at home), I managed to get myself locked out on Sunday...   I hope they can re-instate me. 

Yes, they can!  We linked to each other via Zoom... so hopefully I will be able to cope with it all next time. The Expert should be at home, which will help.

And it turns out that the Captain and myself both have Zoom meetings Thursday evening - his being for SUSSAR:

We also had a Zoom meeting with the York and Bavarian branches of the family on Tuesday, which went quite well. We plan to do it again on Friday.

Which is tonight, as I am about to post this blog today.   Out meeting went well last night - we flew through cyberspace at the speed of light, being able to enter the Virtual Kingdom Hall through its virtual airlock and speak when we were called on, and we were then returned to our Pods to listen.  Brilliant. Lovely to see everyone and give them a cyber wave.

But - the public preaching work has stopped - and we can no longer invite you to our Kingdom Halls to learn more. 

Here, again, is our excellent website:

If you want to find out what God's inspired word has to say about the times we are living in, and about what is going to happen next, please stop by and browse the site.  Please!

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