Tuesday 31 March 2020

Late for the Meeting

Lobb's Wood
I managed to be late for the Sunday morning meeting - even though it was being held in my own home and on my own computer!   Not as late as poor Jean though who forgot about the time change and who arrived an hour late.

What can I say?  I didn't forget the missing hour.  Our clocks and watches were re-set.  The corridor between lounge and kitchen was not jammed with traffic. And while  I have many faults and failings, being late for meetings is not usually among them.   I slept very badly, was up for a couple of hours in the night, having cups of tea, telly watching, then went back to bed, and fell deeply asleep. I didn't wake up till 5 to 10.  I couldn't believe it when I saw the clock!  I hurtled about getting myself dressed and arrived 10 minutes late, with a cup of coffee in my hand (at which I took surreptitious sips during the meeting). So glad that I made it though - and even got called for an answer twice, after I put my virtual hand up.

We had our walk to the River on Sunday, and got caught in a shower of hail.  It had been an odd day of rain, sun and then hail - and apparently snow in Surrey, which I could believe as it was so cold.   And on Monday our walk consisted of a trip to the pharmacy to get my meds - a long long wait, spaced by chairs outside -  and the meds were dispensed through the window.

We are very grateful to the staff for keeping it open and soldiering on.

On the way there, we wandered through the dark fastness of Lobb's Wood, without getting ourselves lost - see photo.  And we came back through the little War Memorial green and park.  So that constituted both our daily bit of exercise and a trip out for necessities - all in under an hour.

And I spent Monday afternoon cooking - making two veggie soups, for fridge and freezer, and also a veggie curry stir fry that we had for supper.  The usual cabbage, carrot and coriander one from a Madhur Jaffrey recipe.  Col had a baked potato with his, which is an item verboten to us diabetics.

And we are so much enjoying seeing Chris Packham and Meghan every morning as they broadcast from their CoronaIsolation near the New Forest.

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