Thursday 18 July 2024

Maggie on the Balcony


I found this photo, of Maggie on the balcony, from their recent visit.  Maggie, NOT a magpie.  We do have a lovely view of the English Channel - and plenty of tasty moths. But fortunately Maggie had no predatory intentions towards them.  She and Dave once lived in a flat in the city of Melbourne, the gateway to Tasmania.  We visited once. I don't remember that they had a balcony, though it was a lovely flat, very spacious.

She is a movie star now, or at least has starred in one movie. And she is also in some rock star videos!  It is amazing what some of us ex-Expats are getting up to in our retirement.

We have more family visits coming up at the end of the month.  And it reminds me of our first summers here, when we had visitors non-stop.  It was fun, but the truth is that we could not cope now.  We may be seeing Roger again, before the end of the year though, and if so, that would be lovely.

I just got some more territory to work - via letter. Some local flats, so I hope and pray I can reach someone there.  Surely what is happening in the world is making more and more people stop and think.  And I have to think and pray how to help them to do so in my letters.

Col rang from The Field - not yet open, he got there early. 

Today is yet another blood test, followed by the dreaded scan next week.  Then I have an audiologist appointment. Then I am hoping for a few weeks minus medical appointments, but of course a lot will be dependent on the result of the scan.

I walked to my blood test today - HOLD THE PRESSES!!!  It is hardly a long way, in fact I did the whole thing there and back in about 35 minutes - got there early, was seen early.  But it's my back, so painful. However the last time I drove, it was so difficult to find anywhere to park.

The problem is that the building work has not yet started at the Clinic - everything awaits on the Insurance Claim I guess  - so there are a few less parking spaces and it makes all the difference.  Anyway, I can now sleep the rest of the day away if I want to - apart from getting Col's tea and getting to the Kingdom Hall tonight.  Oh and we have a box of peaches and nectarines arriving at some stage, so I must stay awake for that.

Talking of Insurance Claims reminds me of an excellent cartoon I saw years ago, either in The Spectator, or Private Eye.  A broker is on the phone to his client, he is holding an enormous document with gallons of small print, and he is saying excitedly:  "You're in luck! Being attacked by a hippopotamus while riding your bike underwater is the one thing your policy does cover you for."

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