Friday 12 July 2024

Teaching Tech


This exquisite Swallowtail moth - photo by Captain B of course - is yet another example of the miracles that surround us - see the script of my dialogue in the School below.

It has been rather a tense week - this dreadful cold and cough, poor old Col being down with it too - and worrying about my part in the School which involved me having to explain to a householder how to install an app on their Smartphone.

What could possibly go wrong?!  I said to Col that I felt I was getting too old for the School and maybe should retire, but he thinks it is good for me and encouraged me to continue.

So I did, and this is the talk that my householder and I delivered last night.  I am not sure that I completely followed the brief. I wonder now if it should have been a return visit. I kind of assumed not as the point I was working on was how to set up a return visit... anyway this was it. And my point about the miracles of creation that surround us is always on topic.

Following Up

(4 min.) HOUSE TO HOUSE. Tell the person about the JW Library® app, and show him how to install it. (lmd lesson 7 point 4)

4. Make an appointment. At the end of each conversation, try to confirm a specific time when you can speak with the person again. Be sure to keep the appointment.

Sue:  Good morning. I was just admiring this beautiful fuschia you have beside your door. It was my mother’s favourite flower. It reminded her of her childhood holidays in Cornwall. Do you happen to know what variety it is?

HH:  No. Sorry it was here when we came. But it is lovely. Was that why you rang the bell?

Sue:  Well, no. I am one of Jehovah’s Witnesses and I wanted to talk to you about the Kingdom of God.

HH:  Oh.  Do you know, I would love to believe we had a Creator, and a loving one. But I can’t really, the world is in such a state.  And anyway, if God wants me to believe in him, why doesn’t he get you to show me a miracle. I would have no problem believing then.

Sue:  I am so glad you shared that because I can show you a miracle right now. In fact we have been admiring it.  Look at just one of these blossoms.  Isn’t it more lovely than the finest Tiffany jewel, and with better engineering than our most expensive computer - in that this grew from a tiny tiny seed coded with so much information that it not only produced this little miracle, but is programmed to produce more seeds, more miracles of beauty?

HH:  Well, when you come to think about  it, it does seem miraculous.

Sue:  In fact we are surrounded by the miracles of creation, all of which witness to us that it has a Creator, as the Bible says: “a Grand Creator”, whose name is Jehovah.  But how can we know who that Creator is, what he wants for us, and what he wants from us?

HH:  Given you are called Jehovah’s Witnesses, maybe it’s you?

Sue:  For sure that is what we want to tell you. You are absolutely right there. But how do we know? Where do we get our information from?

HH:  I am pretty sure you are going to say from the Bible.

Sue: Right again.  And that is why we try to encourage everyone to accept a personal Bible Course, so they can find out for themselves.  Would you be interested in thinking about this?

HH:  Just for a start, I don’t have a Bible.

Sue:  No problem.I see you have an android phone.

HH: Yes, I was just about to make a call when you knocked at the door.

Sue: Oh, I mustn’t keep you long then, but if you would like I could show you how to upload an app onto your phone that will include not only the Bible, but a wealth of Biblical information.  Would you like me to?

HH:  Why not? 

Sue:  So if you go to Playstore, then type in JW space library - then install - it should come up.  Lovely. Now if you go to this little library icon at the bottom and press it, you can go down the list to brochures.  What I really want to draw your attention to is this publication “Enjoy Life Forever” as it is what we are using alongside the Bible in the Course.  And that is exactly what our Creator wants for us - that we should enjoy life forever. As we now both have this on our phones, would you like me to call again and we could spend maybe 15 minutes showing you how this Course works?

HH:   Yes, if you like

Sue:  When would be a good time to drop in - the same time next Saturday?

HH:  Well, I am usually at home on Saturday mornings, so the same time would be fine.

Sue:  Thanks. I will look forward to that. (We then exchanged names and phone numbers.)

I had prayed to Jehovah to help me with this, and of course he did. In one way by supplying me with a brilliant householder, in one of my sisters, who got me through it, correctly and to time. We just had 4 minutes. And my cold held off for those vital 4 minutes. Did Jehovah hold it back? If so, I am very grateful.

Especially as this morning I am back to a cough and a sore throat. And feeling sorry for myself.

Can we even imagine how wonderful perfect health will be? It is something that we, the poor damaged children of Adam, have never yet known. But, one day - well, please please go to JW.Org, the Library, the Brochures and have a read of "Enjoy Life Forever".

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