Thursday 9 May 2024

The Wetland Trust Re-visited

Col and I lunched at the Wetland Trust on Wednesday - quite a rare outing for us these days.  I wasn't able to do much, but we walked to the Enclosure of the Terrifying Pelicans (I have never really got over seeing one swallow a pigeon whole in Regents Park), and spent some time by the dive pond with its lovely ducks. They swim close by at shoulder level, relaxed and happy, and you could reach out and stroke them. Though of course we don't.

We then had lunch - baked potato with beans and salad for Himself and a cheese and onion pastie for me. Both very nice. We also shopped, hoping to find pressies for the little girls in the Gift Shop, but only managed to buy some rather lovely bird cards. The next time we see them I will just put some money in the cards and leave it at that. I think they have reached the age when they would prefer that anyway.

I Zoomed with a friend in the afternoon - we have a double session on Wednesdays. Her husband is out of hospital and doing well after his operation, thank God.

Recent medical matters were our Covid jabs, Col's follow-up hospital visit, and on Friday a re-arrangement for the delivery date of my next injection pens, plus another email from them saying that there would be a change of formula coming up later in the year.  It involves the dosage being more concentrated and therefore lesser liquid in the pen. So will it be more or less painful than before - or more Korrectly, will there be more or less "discomfort"?

We didn't  - barring emergencies - have any medical matters on this week... hopefully... at our age... mutter... mutter...

... but later on Tuesday afternoon the phone rang, and yes, I do have a hospital appointment this week... so I spoke too soon...

While longing for the time to come on the earth when "No resident will say 'I am sick;", we are both very grateful for the NHS until that time comes.

I made myself go out this morning - a quick shopping trip followed by 2 return visits, one of whom invited me in for a coffee and a chat.  She always used to invite Jean and me in, in the days of Jean, rescuing us from a downpour once, and drying our coats for us.  She is still not interested in the Kingdom though, sadly. The other call, the lawyer, was not at home, but I left him a message and a magazine.

Maybe he will get in touch, and want to know more.   I can only hope and pray.

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