Friday 3 May 2024

A Busy Morning

I had a busy morning on Thursday - well, busy for me these days.  Off to the shops first thing to get grapes and chocolates for 2 local friends who are just out of hospital, then just back in time to Zoom to the C.O. field service 5 minute talk. He was emphasising once again the need to listen to people, to try to make a relationship...   all things that are so much out of my skill set, being Aspergery, that I would despair, if I did not have trust in Jehovah to do what is impossible for us.

And in harmony with that - after delivering the first bunch of grapes and chocolates - I did call on an old call of mine - an eccentric and well-read gentleman, with a bit of an acerbic tongue. After pouring a modicum of scorn on some of our beliefs, he said that it was "lovely to see you again, dear."  He has never been so warm before, so who knows?  Maybe we are forming a friendship in our own odd way.  I got a chance to talk to his wife too - a very nice lady, We have both had replacement shoulders and empathise with each other's difficulties.

We agreed that we would be in trouble if we got caught in some kind of hold-up/Police raid as, when ordered to "Put up your hands!", we would not be able to do so.  We could "Put up one hand!"  but that likely would not be good enough.

And I left them with 2 magazines and also a copy of "The Umbrellas of Hamelin"  He is a real bookworm like me and did borrow and read Waiting for Gordo.  He was  a bit acerbic about that, but then also said "but I like the way you write". So he had enjoyed reading it in a way, even if the plot was not completely to his liking.

I then got to the Hall for the 11:30 coffee session - and had a coffee I did not really deserve as I had not been out on the doors with the group. And I delivered the second batch of grapes on my way home.

I also posted my current letters and got some more of the pretty little cards from the Post Office as I am concentrating on doing letters for my siblings to leave at Not Homes at the moment. 

Apparently there was a terrific thunderstorm at about 2 o'clock on Wednesday night and we both slept through the whole thing. So I must have got some sleep even though I woke up feeling so tired I could have cried.

When I was talking to my upstairs neighbour in the lift she was saying that she had lain awake for an hour while it thundered and lightninged overhead, worried as we have been struck by lightning twice. Our block is rather prominent on the seafront, or so the lightning thinks anyway.

They say "it never strikes twice", but clearly it does. So the question is: Does it strike three times?  Hopefully not.

The magpie has struck again though, as it has taken the two moths who were on our wall this morning.  Clearly they are much safer spending the night in our Moth Trap Hotel.

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