Tuesday 28 May 2024

The Economical Man by Peter D Hiley

Once again, I want to review a book I am reading: The Economical Man  by Peter D. Hiley.  We found it waiting for us when we got back last week.

This is so funny, and it is Pete on the page. I lived some of it as I lodged with Peter and his first wife, when we were all students  - many many years ago. 

It would be a great book to take on a plane journey, as you can just dip into it. It does not have to be read in chronological order, and every page is entertaining.  Wherever you choose to start, it will sweep you along with it - and take your mind off all the waiting that goes along with travel these days.  

Captain B has been reading it out on the balcony, laughing away to himself and coming in to share his favourite bits.

Pete mentions the parcels of meat we used to get at the market in our student years. You could buy a Pork Parcel, or a Beef Parcel, very cheaply. And then we would - ineptly - cook them.  He mentions what rubbish cooks we were. True.

And he mentions the Bonair - a "folding caravan tent thing" - a box that they towed along behind their car.  I remember it - from their young parent years! Though I never stayed in it, for which I am rather thankful, given Pete's description of their Bonair holiday.

If anyone has read my Umbrellas of Hamelin, they will have found an extract from Peter Hiley's Pete's Angel, just after my own school story Klook and Plukey. That extract alone probably tells you that Pete is good at putting himself on the page - which is something that looks easy, but is definitely not.

We have tackled our difficult schooldays (both being on the Asperger/Autism spectrum) from such different angles.

In harmony with The Economical Man, at the last meal we had with Pete and his wife when the four children were still at home, in the house with the big fruit and veggie filled garden, did we have a home-grown veggie feast?  No. We had a Chinese takeaway. 

And very nice it was too.

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