Thursday 16 May 2024

Taffety Tart

Spoiler alert (though it is an old series), Billie won Australian Masterchef with a perfect Taffety Tart, a challenge set by Heston Blumenthal of The Fat Duck fame.  Before he unlidded the final dish that Billie and Sarah would have to cook I was desperately hoping it would not be Snail Porridge or anything adjacent to it.  Thankfully it wasn't.  It was, apparently, a Heston take on a cake from the 17th century or thereabouts. His was much more elaborate I hardly need to say, involving all sorts of intricate layers that I doubt they faffed about with back then.

I really liked both finalists, but perhaps slightly favoured Sarah in that this was in part Masterchef: The Return, and Billie had won it before. Interestingly she said that she just wasn't ready for all the opportunities it opened up to her the first time she won but now she had grown up a lot and she felt she was.  And I could well understand that, and sympathise.

They were both such brilliant cooks so it was sad that one of them had to lose.

And - another spoiler alert - Grant, the last man standing, won American Masterchef.  He was such a nice guy, and clearly a good cook.

Maybe I can get back to cooking a bit more for poor Captain B now my days are not taken up with all these cookery programmes.  Mind you I doubt he would thank me for raw pigeon, or snail porridge.   

Captain B beat me at the ordles (Wordle, Quordle, Octordle) yesterday morning!  Again!!  But we drew this morning.

What a lovely month May is  - a month of blossom - see the rhododendron that heads the blog, taken yesterday by Captain B.

It was overcast, a bit gloomy, but we still enjoyed our walk in the park, finding all sorts of wild flowers, including wild garlic.  Even 6,000 years after the loss of the Garden of Eden, it is still possible to see that the earth was made to be a paradise. And while we cannot go back and put things right - a point I make in my short story Till They Dropped - I do now know that we can look confidently ahead to the restored earthly paradise, as that is what Jehovah has purposed and all his purposes come about.

Isn't that the very meaning of his name?

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