Wednesday 22 May 2024

Jen's Garden

We got back from our tour of family and friends in the North on Tuesday. It was a short, but hectic, trip.  We left about ten minutes ahead of Nute's decorators who were scheduled to arrive in the drive at 9:15. To prepare for their coming, Col had got all the pictures down - and the big mirror (that one with a little help from my creaky self) - and the books from the shelves in the hall. He had also done some gardening.

Nute has a wonderful rambling garden to go with her rambling house - all perfect for family get togethers. So, with that in mind, we had a day with one of the teenage granddaughters, who now has an enormous moth tattoo on her chest (easy to see as she wasn't wearing all that much else - how she did not catch her death of cold...)   I will not forget Captain Butterfly's shock and horror when she arrived and her Gran said: "WHAT is that butterfly on your chest!?"  "It's a MOTH, not a butterfly!" he gasped, reaching for his smelling salts.

He was right, it was. A hangover from her Goth/Emo period I suppose.

I feel very very old these days.

Some of Lilac Tree Farm and a couple of the Derby mob came over for Sunday lunch.  Nute cooked up a storm of pasta, with two sauces, one meat, one veggie, plus cheese and salads, with mini-choc ices to follow. And we played Exploding Kittens with one of the youngest granddaughters.  Don't ask - well, in case you have, its a card game, and no kittens are harmed in the playing of it.

And Col had a big family reunion in York, which included the Cheshire Cheese branch of the family, as it was a birthday celebration for both Bea and Keith, who have reached landmark birthdays.  I didn't go as not only did it involve stairs, and an overnight stop, but it was also a birthday.

As a Jehovah's Witness, I try to avoid all ceremonies and celebrations that have a connection to the religions of "the world".  We note not only that the Inspired Scriptures take the time to record two birthdays - both celebrated by those who did not worship Jehovah, and neither of which turned out happily - but also how the early Christians and the Jews of Bible times viewed birthday celebrations.

“The notion of a birthday festival was far from the ideas of the Christians of this period in general.”—The History of the Christian Religion and Church, During the Three First Centuries (New York, 1848), Augustus Neander (translated by Henry John Rose), p. 190.

“The later Hebrews looked on the celebration of birthdays as a part of idolatrous worship, a view which would be abundantly confirmed by what they saw of the common observances associated with these days.”—The Imperial Bible-Dictionary (London, 1874), edited by Patrick Fairbairn, Vol. I, p. 225.

Oddly, though I knew nothing of this, and very little about what the Bible said anyway (despite an intensive religious education at convent school), I never did like birthday parties, not even my own.   I loved our childhood Christmases. I must admit. But back then it was very much a simple family get together, not the orgy of consumerism that it is now.

And of course, we still do go up for a family get together on the 25th, circumstances allowing.

We ended our visit with our now traditional veggie feast at Jen's, which we always look forward to. And she had done a crumble for Captain B!  Perfect. I had some too, as I was on my holidays. so it was a treat for me as well. I usually only test drive my own crumbles via one spoonful, ever since the great Salt Instead of Sugar disaster.

We were also able to have a tour of Jen's garden, which she has turned into a work of art - as you can see from Captain B's photos above.  She is going to have a wonderful strawberry crop this year, judging by the amount of flowers in her strawberry bed.

The last time we toured her garden, much later in the year, there was one strawberry left, and she gave it to me. It tasted as a strawberry should - which is sadly unusual with so many shop bought berries.

Could we ever get tired of gardening, given good health and perfect circumstances?   Having a part in turning the whole earth into the paradise garden that it was always meant to be will be wonderful. And we will be able to care for the animal creation tenderly and unselfishly, and make sure that their lives are filled with joy too.

And, under the loving rule of the Kingdom of God, nature will no longer be "red in tooth and claw".

Talking of that, Jen has got two new cats, as her fierce Miranda died since we were last there. They are grey short hairs, really plush and cuddly, though they do not (yet) like to be held or cuddled. But one of them did appear to say a brief "hello" before shooting out into the garden. They were not allowed out in their previous home and are enjoying their new freedoms.

He is lovely, and I hope to be allowed a little bit of a cuddle next time.  And maybe a photo for my blog.  He is stunningly photogenic (which is more than can be said for me, alas).  However, if and when I am restored to perfection, in the paradise earth...

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