Monday 30 October 2023

The Bonfire Before and After

Stormy weather on Saturday morning, with torrential rain and wonderful waves on The Channel, which must have been worrying for the Bonfire Committee and the Fairground, as Saturday was the day of the bonfire, fireworks, etc.  They needed a dry evening to make their money.

The clocks went back in the early hours of Sunday morning.  There was quite a good cartoon on facebook showing a load of heavy machinery moving the gigantic stones at Stonehenge backwards an hour.

And on Sunday morning the bonfire was still in its "before" state. So the picture above encompasses both "before" and "after".  

The weather had been so bad they could not light it! There was no procession, no fireworks, and on Sunday morning, still overcast and blowy, the fairground was packing up and leaving.

This must have been a financial blow for the fairground people, which is sad.  They got all their stuff there and were never even able to open.

More strange weather on Sunday, stormy enough to cause Col not to go metal detecting!!   Well, actually I think it was more because of his bad knee, contingent upon the day he spent searching for a Misper (missing person to us laymen) last week.

We are not as young as we were.  And while I see this is so true of me, how can it be true of my young London boy?  What a short time we have to spend with the people we love.

So he very kindly chauffered me to the Kingdom Hall and back, which was so helpful as it was monsooning down both as we left and as we drove back.  The waves on the Channel were wonderful and we expected them to be throwing stuff over the road before the end of the day.  Apparently there was even a mini-tornado locally that took someone's roof off!  

On the doubleplusgood side, yesterday I received such a lovely email from an old Uni friend, Pete.  He has just read Umbrellas (The Umbrellas of Hamelin, my new book) and loved it.  The email ends this way:  I literally could not put it down until I had finished it. 

That has made me so happy, as my aim is always always to make my books page turners. I want people to really enjoy reading them, to want more. One thing on my ToDo List today is to write and thank him - oh and also to say how much I appreciate that he will review it.  Reviews are important.

The News though is dreadful - from the Middle East, as Gaza is flattened, thousands killed, including many children on both sides, the hostages are still missing, bar the one released unharmed, and may well be dead too.  And the trouble spreads by the day. Then there is what keeps coming out about the amount of corruption right here, and the violence towards the most vulnerable in our society, the fatherless.motherless children, as we keep finding what so many of them have suffered in our Orwellian "care" system.

What to do in the face of it?   Exactly what Jesus told us to do - keep on telling everyone who will listen about the Kingdom of God, while there is still time.  Jehovah will act to remove every vestige of the current wicked system of things on the earth - and soon.

We are all in "the valley of the decision".  What will we decide?

I have been living as a subject of the Kingdom of God, the heavenly government, for over thirty years now, and can only say I have never been happier (despite the News, despite all the health horrors of old age).  It is a government - the only government - that knows and cares for every one of its subjects. 

In fact, I cannot imagine what I would be feeling now if I did not know the truth. The Inspired Scriptures, from Genesis to Revelation are the truth. The rescue they promise, the restoration of paradise, earthwide, is so close now.

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