Thursday 5 December 2019

What I did only yesterday

I am sitting here trying to desperately to think what I did yesterday. I must have done something. And it was only yesterday...  this is getting quite panic-making.  I did do some of my weekly Bible study; I did not get to the shops but managed to make us sort of supper out of a tin of salmon, some frozen peas, and a baked potato - the potato for himself, as they are verboten to us diabetics.

Oh and I did go out on the preaching work with a young pioneer in the afternoon.

It doesn't seem much though.  I am so very tired at the moment, so maybe I spent a lot of the day asleep on the sofa?   It all seems horribly likely.   I did get out this morning with the siblings, and we had one very good call, and placed some publications.  We then went for coffee, and I managed to pop in to Sainsbury's for a bit of shopping so the Captain, who will be hungry after his day in the Hampshire outback, can have some supper when he gets in.  I have made a big lamb casserole, which is in the oven as I type.    I also rang Jacks, to assure her I plan to manage a shop to Waitrose at some time tomorrow.

And I am about to chauffeur a sibling to the Hall for the meeting, so at least I have a few accomplishments today.

But being old is like running on empty.

The Captain found no gold nuggets, but did find a couple of interesting old things (apart of course from myself) which will be appearing in his blog in due course.

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