Monday 23 December 2019

Coober Pedy

I was catapulted back to my youth ("Wow! That was some powerful catapult" I seem to hear Captain Butterfly murmuring in the distance)  when we watched a programme about Aussie Opal Hunters on Quest.    When my brother was a little lad I remember he read about Coober Pedy where the Opal miners lived underground because of the searing heat, as they hunted and mined for the beautiful gemstone.  If it is a gemstone - it is a strange and glorious substance made from, well, compressed water, if I understood it right.

Perhaps I didn't. Anyway, John said that Coober Pedy is where he wanted to go and to live when he grew up.

And many many years ago, my bro did go to Australia to work. (Though not in the Opal mines.)  He is now an Australian - has been for many years - as are his wife and children.  I must ask him if he ever went to his dream town.    It is a bleak spot as it is so heavily mined. But I can see the fascination of the opal hunt.

We, the Captain and his missus, had got rather addicted to Aussie Gold Hunters - but its not on at the moment.  I hope there will be another series.

I had developed a bit of a crush on young Jake from the Dirt Dogs ("Just don't sit on the poor guy's lap or he'll find out what crush is",  said Captain Butterfly gloomily, seething with jealousy - or was it concern for Jake?)  Poor Jake.   Clearly he would much rather have some gorgeous 18 year old blonde having a crush on him (and I am sure many do).  And having spent innumerable blogs moaning about my age, my arthritis, etc etc, I don't think I am going to fool anyone in cyberspace.  And I have no chance in real life.

In any case, my partner Captain B is a treasure hunter too.  I must be attracted to the type.   He was out hunting yesterday and found -after a long days searching - what he calls a hammie - a hammered coin to you and me.  Its a pretty silver coin in reasonable condition. A little work of art, which I am sure will appear on his blog in due course.

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