Tuesday 6 July 2021

Friday Morning Convention

We had the Friday morning session on Sunday, after the shortened Watchtower Study.  I was able to pace myself, lying down between each talk, and my ankle is much less swollen today. 

And what a comfort even that first half day session was.  I wish everyone in the world would join us.  The link is here, and you are so welcome:


Friday’s program is based on Luke 17:5​ - “Give us more faith.” And the first Speaker started out by defining faith, using this Scripture at Hebrews 11:1, which says:   "Faith is the assured expectation of what is hoped for, the evident demonstration of realities that are not seen."

How can be sure that there is a Creator, that he is love, and that all the wonderful promises in the Bible will come true?   Please drop into our Convention, watch it, session by session, in your own time, and see what you think.

Yesterday I am not now sure what I did, beyond doing some studying and getting lunch and supper ready.   This morning it was Zoom and Team Meetings - the congregation family first and then my siblings.  And Captain B was busy on his computer giving a Zoom talk on The Maldives, illustrated with many of his beautiful photos from our expat years.

When we were able to do those in person - PL (pre Lockdown) - we usually managed to sell a copy or two of my dive thriller "Waiting for Gordo", which I wrote during our many trips there.

i got the fridge cleaned out - ready for the supermarket delivery tomorrow, and am making the rest of the veggies into a spicy soup.  Did I just hear a dalek sort of voice saying: A-soup-machine's-work-is-never-done?  If so, I had better point out that the soup machine is busy making the soup - I am simply the acolyte who cleaned and chopped the veggies and entrusted them to its mysterious workings.

Not only is Wimbledon on at the moment, but also the Footie - possibly The World Cup, as the Captain is glued to various football matches, going purple in the face while screaming "Get your specs on Ref!!" and other such things. Oh and its not the World Cup, but the European Cup apparently.   With that important correction I will close my Tuesday blog.

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