Sunday 18 April 2021

Another Competition from Fantastic Books

My publisher is running a Charity Competition, and one of the quotes they will be using is from my "Till They Dropped" - my story of the young girl caught in the giant shopping mall trying to find her way home.

Flash Fiction Charity Competition


This competition directly supports the charities SPECIAL EFFECT and STACK UP. To enter you will need to make a direct donation to one of these charities.


SPECIAL EFFECT specializes in helping disabled people, specifically children, play video games, working with developers to makes their games accessible including through the creation of specialized game control devices.


STACK UP brings both veterans and civilian supporters together; recognising that PTSD, depression and emotional distress are a leading cause of isolation and suicide, they help US and Allied military service members to recover from traumatic physical and emotional injuries through a shared love of video gaming.


[We are also running a quiz to support these charities, which will go live later this month.]

The Circuit Overseer visit continues - lots of Zoom meetings and Zoom coffee mornings, which even unsociable me find so helpful.  He and his wife gave us a Zoom slideshow of the 10 years they spent in Tanzania, which was fascinating.  Captain B would have enjoyed it.

And Penny turned up at our meeting this morning, staying for the whole thing.   The C.O. ended his first talk with this:  "Follow the cloud, not the crowd" - which I might return to in my next blog.  It was a reference to the pillar of cloud that guided the Israelites through the wilderness, and became a pillar of fire at night.  I hope to put a few highlights from his talks in my next blog.

Captain B has been busy with his detectoring all weekend, is on his way back from Farawayistan at the moment - the wilds of Wiltshire possibly,  I can't keep track.  He has found at least 2 roman coins, which will make it a good day.

A friend has many members of her family caught up in the eruption of the Soufriere volcano on St.Vincent's.  It is a nightmare situation - small island, nowhere to go, and the Covid crisis is making it almost impossible to mount a rescue by ship.   And it is not clear yet that the volcano has stopped erupting.

When our first parents made that terrible decision to cut themselves (and us, their unborn children) off from their Creator, their Source of life, they found they could not even keep themselves alive, let alone run this beautiful and complex planets.  Hence all these terrifying "natural" disasters.

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