Sunday 10 November 2019

The Sussex Wildlife Trust AGM - and a Flare-up

Its been a painful and difficult flare-up  - both shoulders and right hand overcome by arthritis. I missed the Thursday field service and meeting, and Friday night was so painful that I did not think I would get to the AGM with Captain Butterfly on Saturday   However, he helped me get dressed and we managed.  He drove obviously. 

It was a great day out - a talk from Michael Blencowe, who made us laugh while giving us a brilliant summary of the wildlife year in Sussex.  He also helped Col to find me in the crowd, as it took the poor Captain a long time to find anywhere to park   I had gone ahead and got us seats - which was  a good thing as it was full.  And we saw Jamie get a well-deserved award for the work he has done in Wildlife Conservation.

We ended with a vegetarian buffet lunch - and we got talking to a nice lady who is a Friend of the Pallant Gallery - currently our favourite gallery.

Drove back through the pouring rain.  We seem to be getting the rainstorms that have just flooded my Northern hometown.

We found out from facebook, via Helen, that Nute and Ken had been trapped at home with no electricity for most of two days.  The engineers had managed to get it back briefly and it went again. All due to the flooding of the city centre I assume.  What is comforting is that they were on a priority Action List, as Ken is so ill - and I think they were among the first who were turned back on.

So grateful for that.

And the talk and study at the Kingdom Hall this morning were very very comforting indeed.

The brother giving us the public talk reminded us that Jehovah's word is a lamp for our feet and a light for our path. (Psalm 119:105)  It is the only thing that will light our way safely back to our Creator, Jehovah.   I read those words many years ago in a Bible Col's Aunt Thelma had given him. She had written these words in the front -which is why I read them.  At that time I knew next to nothing of the Bible, but those powerful words stayed with me. And I located them many years later when I began to study the Bible with the Jehovah's Witnesses.

Back then I must have recognised that I was lost in the dark and needed help.  Now I understand why I am lost - why we all are - and I understand why it is God's inspired word that lights the way. And I am very grateful to know it too.

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