Saturday 30 November 2019

Cards by Sarah Duffield (the Art Cafe)

Sarah Duffield - Looking West
I was out with my siblings on Thursday morning doing first call work - my first for a while, as Jean and  I have been concentrating on return visits. And I know how important it is as I am so grateful that Jehovah sent his Witnesses to my door - over 30 years ago now!   And who knows where the time goes.  Thirty years.

The sister I usually go out with on Thursday was very tired - has not been sleeping well - and I am very tired - its been an emotional week.  But we sort of encouraged each other, got out there and had a lovely morning finishing with a coffee at Waitrose. She treated me to a new kind of latte - a Macha tea Latte I believe (which I hope I have spelt right).   It has a very strong and distinctive taste, and I absolutely loved it.  It is both creamy and refreshing.

My jobs today are to go out on the preaching work this morning with the valiant Jean; to get something in for Jackie who is coming to supper (I do have some emergency pies in the freezer - but I seem to have given her emergency pies the last time she came); and also to send condoldence cards to Ken's family - my sister and the children.  Or at least to get them written out and ready to go.

I found some lovely cards by a local artist Sarah Duffield in the Pier Road Coffee and Art Cafe

One of them has the title "All the way there and back again".     They are local scenes, striking and different, with an Autumnal quality about them. One is even called "Autumnal".

I feel Ken would have liked them.  And, as an artist all his life, I know he would have wanted me to support a local artist.

Another card - perhaps the one I shall choose for my sister is called "Warm Repose".    As Catholic Convent schoolgirls, many many years ago, we were taught some terrible things about death.  So I hope it will be a reminder that the Inspired Scriptures assure us there are no dreams in the sleep of death,  just a wonderful awakening to come.

It would have saved poor Hamlet an awful lot of soliloquising if he had only known that.

Anyway, I hope to get all these things achieved today...  but who knows? 

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