Monday 25 November 2019

Sussex Butterfly AGM

We planned to meet up with Elizabeth for coffee at the Art Cafe on Friday morning.  But just as we were about to set off Col got a callout from SUSSAR  (  Someone afflicted with dementia had gone missing while down here with his family.   He had taken himself for a walk and not been able to find his way home.

So Captain Butterfly got into his rescue outfit, flew out of his phone box, scooped me up in his strong manly superarms and dropped me off at the Art Cafe.  The Long Lost Elizabeth and I were chatting away over our coffee when her phone rang.  It was Captain Butterfly, on his way to join us!  The Misper (missing person to you and me) had been found. Thank goodness.  So we had a nice coffee and chat session and then did a quick shop at Lidl's on the way back home.

I also tried out a new BBQ chicken recipe, which did not work out well. Though Col was happy enough to have it for supper. I think its partly that I am finding it harder and harder to eat meat, especially if I have had to cook it myself.

The weekend seems to have been and gone in a few seconds.   It was the Sussex Butterfly Conservation AGM on Saurday. David came with us, Col driving, through the rain.   It went off very well.  Jess Price despatched the necessary business competently and then we had a couple of very interesting talks.  There was one technical one from Pete Eeles  - and what stays in my mind is how few clues there are in a caterpillar as to what sort of butterfly it is going to become.    One slight exception is the Comma Caterpillar, which has got raggedy edge to it that might lead you to guess that a Comma is on the way.

And his talk reminded me that I must look up the word "instar", which seems to mean "caterpillar", but also chrysalis (possibly?).

We had tea and excellent home-made cakes.   Not that I could eat the cakes, but I had a corner of Col's lemon drizzle slice. And it was so good.

We ended with Michael (Blencowe) compering the raffle and giving his usual fun and informative take on the Butterfly year.   

And Butterfly Mark was there.   It was a good day out, as it always is.

Sunday was the meeting, but I did very little else, beyond getting the Captain's supper ready for him - steak pie and lots of veggies.   And this morning we shopped in the pouring rain, delivered Jackie's shopping, and booked her for supper on Saturday night.

Pen and I are taking it in turns to check in with Nute.  Ken is now sleeping most of the time, and it sounds like it may only be a matter of days now.

I was thinking today about the first time I met Ken - at his flat on Abbeydale Road. 

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