Sunday 21 April 2024

The Mystery of the Pyjamas that Didn't Bark in the Night

I wanted to say something about that weasel word "adult" (with apologies to weasels everywhere about my choice of words).  Oh and it occurs to me that I must search The Captain's Log to see if he has a picture of a weasel in his gallery.  I did. He had. 

See above.

But when you see, say, a TV programme with a warning "This programme contains adult content", what does that word "adult" mean?

Doesn't it usually mean that it will contain the sort of material that especially dirty-minded schoolchildren snigger about round the back of the bikeshed?  So in this Newspeak context (thank you George Orwell), the word "adult" means "not adult at all".  But the point about the word is, presumably, to imply that anyone who dares to object to vile content is simply being childish, immature.

I do remember how the world and its Movers and Shakers sneered at Mrs Mary Whitehouse. Yet of course she was right - she saw the thin end of a very nasty wedge  - nasty beyond belief sometimes - and spoke up about it. 

Centuries ago, Jehovah said this to the Israelites, words he had recorded and preserved to this day:

This is what Jehovah says, your Repurchaser, the Holy 

One of Israel: 

“I, Jehovah, am your God,

The One teaching you to benefit yourself,

The One guiding you in the way you should walk.

If only you would pay attention to my commandments!

Then your peace would become just like a river

And your righteousness like the waves of the sea.

Isaiah 48:17,18

Those words are as true today as they were then - as they always will be.  If we will listen to our Creator and do our best to follow his guidance, we can have peace even now, in this dangerous and fraught system of things on the earth. And we can have "the glorious freedom of the children of God" in the restored earthly paradise - peace without end, like the endless waves of the sea.

Re the heading of this blog, Bea and I have been in correspondence about some mysterious pyjamas which have turned up in her luggage. They do not belong to her, and they do not belong to us.  It may need a Sherlock Holmes or a Jonathan Creek to solve "The Mystery of the Pyjamas That Didn't Bark in the Night".

Could I write that one up?  Nothing has come to me yet. Except of course that it would be much more mysterious if the pyjamas DID bark in the night... hmmm...

It was such a lovely Spring morning - sunny, but cold.  My walk from car to Kingdom Hall took me past cherry blossom blooming above flint-knapped walls and birds hurtling about with twigs in their beaks.  The drive back was past a turquoise sea, calm under a tender blue sky with  a scattering of fluffy white clouds in suspension.

Captain B is at home today, which is nice.

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