Saturday 27 April 2024

Balcony - the Return!

The balcony is all planted up now, with new Geraniums and Nemesia to go along with the old.  The Nemesia are not spectacular flower-wise, but fill the balcony with their lovely vanilla scent, while the Geraniums provide the blaze of colour. And both are hardy little plants that stand up to facing the English Channel in all its moods.

I just looked on Google to see if there are any poems about Nemesia.  There aren't, but there is a variety/mixture of it called Poetry, which is rather lovely.

So it looks like I will have to write the poem myself. Though Nemesia/although you are not freesia/it sure is good to see ya  does not really cut it.  Nor does Nemesia/you smell/extremely well.

How about geranium poems? They must have inspired poets down the ages. I went to have a look and found this odd, but appropriate and rather lovely one by Charles Bukowski called:

All That  

the only things I remember about
New York City
in the summer
are the fire escapes
and how the people go
out on the fire escapes
in the evening
when the sun is setting
on the other side
of the buildings
and some stretch out
and sleep there
while others sit quietly
where it’s cool.

and on many
of the window sills
sit pots of geraniums or
planters filled with red
and the half-dressed people
rest there
on the fire escapes
and there are
red geraniums

this is really
something to see rather
than to talk about.

it’s like a great colorful
and surprising painting
not hanging anywhere

How strong Geraniums are - they stand up to all the English Channel can throw at them, and also to the rigours of an inner city New York summer.  But then their Grand Creator, Jehovah, is the very Source of power and energy.

I am trying to do some Not Home letters - I use pretty little cards and put a tract inside - to give to my siblings who go door to door with the good news of the Kingdom of God.  I am very housebound these days and I am back on the strong painkillers.  But I am still, thank God, managing the basics - the meals turn up on time, the basic housework is done, Captain B does all the vacuuming and window cleaning and balcony work. And I keep up with my studying. And without our meetings, which are all teaching us God's word, how to apply it, and how to teach it, I cannot imagine how I might be feeling now.

As it is, I feel full of hope and more and more appreciative of the gift of life.

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