Wednesday 19 July 2023

The Father of the Lie and the Daughter of Time

The Djokovic/Alcaraz Wimbledon final on Sunday was brilliant - one of the best  ever I would think. The old contender - known as The Greatest in the World - and the young contender, just twenty.

In the end the young Carlos Alcaraz won, but it went to the full five sets, including one tie-break, and it was not clear up to the last game who was going to win it, it was so close.  Well done both of them.

I had paced my Zoom Convention attendance so that I would be free to watch it with Col. And my timing was almost perfect as he got back from the Field (metal detecting business) five minutes before the Final started, and just as we were singing the last song.

What would be an appropriate pic for this blog - something that I can find in the Captain's Gallery?  There are so many moths with so many strange and wonderful names that I feel there ought to be a genre called The Novak, or The Carlos, or The TieBreak somewhere... must go and have a look.

After a search, I came up with the above - not a moth at all, but my young mother-in-law Eileen playing table tennis.  That is as close as I can get. 

I hope the Captain and I will see our parents again when the time comes for the resurrection.

The Zoom Convention has been very cheering and comforting, which I do need, as the news is so distressing, the weather is so strange, and the lack of medication is causing me some problems - left leg very swollen and painful, and the skin condition is a torment.

Anyway, after that health bulletin, here is something which I hope will be more interesting - a quote, from Peter Hitchens, in his online column. I saved it thinking I might be able to share it in a blogpost.

"If you have enough power, you can make people believe things which are not true. And your lies may last for centuries, or even forever.

Yet it need not be so. One dark winter’s afternoon, long ago, in the age of steam trains and suet puddings, one of my prep-school teachers (I think it must have been the fearsome Mr Witherington, withering by nature as well as by name) pressed into my hand a small green book which would turn my whole world upside down.

‘Read this,’ he said. ‘It will teach you to understand history as it really is.’

The book is called The Daughter Of Time by Josephine Tey, herself a rather mysterious woman about whom we know astonishingly little.

The title is a reference to Sir Francis Bacon’s remark that ‘Truth is the daughter of time, not of authority’, which should be better known."

Its nice to find a Josephine Tey fan, as sadly I don't think she is read much nowadays.  Yet she is a great storyteller.  I thoroughly recommend her books to get you absorbed in the world she creates.

But it is so interesting what Peter Hitchens says about the power of the lie.  And that quote.  Isn't it so true that as time goes by what we have been told by authority - by the earthly powers - sometimes turns out not to have been the truth at all?   Because who holds the reins of power on the earth at the moment?  Isn't it Satan the devil, the one who Jesus himself called "the father of the lie".

And it is the Bible that has warned us about that from the beginning.  And hasn't "the world" - the world system controlled by Satan - tried to destroy our faith in the Bible?

My recent reading of the last of Wolf Hall trilogy by Hilary Mantel reminded me of how cruelly both Church and State treated those who tried to tell people what the Bible actually says.

And once you know what it does say, the message itself impels you to tell others.  For one thing, it promises a time when the earth will no longer be ruled by Satan, but by the loving Kingdom of God.  And Jehovah, the Creator, is the God of truth.

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