Friday 28 July 2023

An Art-Deco Propelling Pencil

On Monday morning this amazing fellow, or indeed lady - or I must hastily add, of whatever pronoun it currently prefers - was in the funnel of the moth hotel.  I couldn't see any details, but through Col's camera  I saw the exquisite detail - the artistry. He/she/it/they reminded me of one of those art-deco propelling pencils that usually sell well on Bargain Hunt.  Its actually called a Yarrow Conch, and it is so tiny.

Which does go to show that, as Solomon said, there is, truly, "nothing new under the sun".    Our inspirations our inventions come from and are inspired by the creation around us.  And it seems endlessly inspiring. I know that after more than seventy years here, I do not want to leave this lovely planet.

And there will be new things right here on the earth... things we cannot yet even dream of I guess. And how will they inspire us?

I hope we will all be there, in the restored earthly paradise to find out.   I know I do keep talking about this, but what is more important?  And I am very conscious that my time to tell people about it personally is running out.  There can only be a few grains left in the hourglass now.

Anyway, the little girls had a fun day on Tuesday - the sea in the morning, the funfair in the afternoon, and a stop off with their great aunt and uncle, during which we played a couple of rounds of consequences.  Wednesday was sunny and they had a morning of Clock Golf on the sea front, with their valiant granny and great-uncle joining them. I am pacing myself as my left foot and ankle are still very swollen and I do not want to push myself into a severe flare-up.  But we, Col, Nute and me did go to beautiful Highdown Gardens in the afternoon and had a short walk. There were butterflies galore and Col got a photo of a Hummingbird Hawkmoth. The flowers were wonderful and the air was full of scent. 

And they treated us to an evening meal at the Arun View on Wednesday night - a rare treat for us. I had forgotten how glamorous the evening staff are there - and so patient and friendly with the children (and with those of us going through our second childhood).

It rainstormed through evening and night and was still stormy on Thursday morning - which did not stop Captain B from leaving at the crack of dawn with a metal detector at every corner.  We played a lot of games of consequences with the girls, and we had lunch together, and later a fish and chip supper with Captain B joining us.

I think the little ones have had a great week - that was the aim of the exercise.   

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