Friday 12 May 2023

The Return of the Kaa


We spent some of Thursday morning sitting out on the balcony, watching the sea, and catching some rays.

My car came back to us on Tuesday morning after its long absence. The kindly garage guy from SussexAutoCentre delivered it to us.  It all looks fine and hopefully will now work. So I need to make my Specsavers appointment and try to get some help for my poor old eyes.

We had our pre-assessment - or rather Captain B's pre-assessment - at Worthing on Wednesday. As we had to make an early start, our appointment being at 9.00 a.m., which also meant a drive through the rush hour, we booked taxis there and back. Lovely taxi drivers both way - Apollo taxis going and Arrow taxis returning - highly recommended. And a big doubleplusgood was that though we had been told the procedure would take 2 to 3 hours, it took less than an hour!  Well done, Worthing hospital.

We drove there and back through a perfect May day, blossom everywhere, blue skies, scudding white clouds.  Thunderstorms are expected though, and there are flood warnings in parts of the country.

And instead of having to coax him to eat something I am now kept on the go - flying backwards and forwards with food in my beak - keeping up with his appetite.  A very encouraging sign.

In the afternoon I was able to get together with a congregation sibling and do some letter witnessing.  At the moment I am saying this:

The Christian Greek Scriptures, or New Testament, tell us what Jesus did when he was on the earth. He fed the hungry, healed the sick, calmed the storm, and even raised the dead. Isaiah actually speaks of a time, here on the earth, when “No resident will say: ‘I am sick’” (Isaiah 33:24)

Wasn’t Jesus showing us what he can and will do when he is ruling over the earth as the King of Jehovah’s Kingdom?  Under its loving rule all causes for suffering will be gone.

That promise in Isaiah is especially dear to my heart at the moment.

And on a much more trivial note, we also have our telly working again, which is such a relief as we are both very tired and not up to much more than dozing in front of Bargain Hunt, and Countdown and suchlike There is a highly recommended series on at the moment called "Malpractice", set, I assume, in a hospital, but it does not seem quite the subject to take our minds off things at the moment. Maybe we will watch it later. Much later. When, please God, his operation is successfully over.

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