Tuesday 30 May 2023

Diamond Hard Determination

Col is improving every day.  And is doing more and more.  He has hoovered the flat, and washed all the windows - and washed my car. It lives outside, and we have seagulls.  And when I got back from the meeting on Sunday morning, I found he was cooking our lunch - chicken veggie soup, berries and yoghurt.  That was a lovely surprise.

My worry is that he is overdoing it. But he will not be told.

And we have taken to sitting out on our balcony again in the evening with a glass of wine - a very small one in my case, as I am diabetic.

Rather than looking exactly like Kate Moss, I am now looking like a giant hard-boiled egg, as when I went to the hairdressers on Saturday I said, incautiously, to the girl that she could take a bit more off than usual.  So I was scalped...  the hair itself looks nice, nicely cut, and my hair has some curl - or "movement" as it seems to be called now - when its short. But it's the rest of me.  Oh well, at least it is neat.  Which cannot usually be said of my hair.

The weather has become hot and summery, but there was a cool breeze off the sea on Sunday night - most refreshing.

The title of the Circuit Overseer's talk at the Kingdom Hall on Saturday, for the pioneers, was Declaring the Good News with Diamond Hard Determination, And it is the occasion for the photo of the Diamond-backed Moth that heads the blog.  It is taken, of course, by Captain Moth-Butterfly, a photographer with a lot of determination of his own.

I was a little hampered by still only having the one hearing aid - the second one now being in for its service - but I got all the talk. I couldn't catch much of the comments as, unlike at the regular meetings, there was no mike.

And its harder than ever to tell where sounds are coming from.

The C.O. gave the public talk on Sunday, which was How can you find real Joy? - then we had the shortened Watchtower study, no paragraphs read, followed by his last talk for this visit: Rejoice in the Hope.

So a lot of encouragement all in all. The hope that the Bible holds out, enjoying life forever in the restored earthly paradise is such a cause for rejoicing.  

No matter what we have in this current system of things on the earth, be it youth, good health (both distant memories for us), immense wealth, a fleet of private jets, we cannot keep it.

In the new system, under the loving rule of the Kingdom of God, we will have "the glorious freedom of the children of God".  It will be a freedom and a joy that we can keep, forever - or for as long as we want to have the joy of knowing and serving and learning about our loving Creator.

And in the meantime, I have to rely on Jehovah to give me the courage and determination to keep on witnessing to the Kingdom, as on my own, I have a backbone of solid custard.  People urgently need to know that we are all in "the valley of the decision"  and how much happiness is ahead if we make the right choice.

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