Thursday 18 May 2023


I found this charming little poem by Emily Dickinson and wanted to share it:


Pink, small, and punctual,
Aromatic, low,
Covert in April,
Candid in May,
Dear to the moss,
Known by the knoll,
Next to the robin
In every human soul.
Bold little beauty,
Bedecked with thee,
Nature forswears

I hope to find a suitable flower or robin photo from Captain B to head this blog. His appetite continues to be good and he is not sleeping as much. He definitely has more energy. 

On Tuesday morning John (Oz) and I had a Zoom session, doing a little chat together for the upcoming MABLE event. It turns out that we are both on the shortlist for the short story competition! John recorded it and sent it off to Fantastic Books. so we hope it will be OK. We kept it short, just about 15 mins, and tried to keep it interesting, i.e. not talking too much about our own writing processes.

The Book cover - from Aunt Bea's painting - has turned out so well. And, once it is published, it will feature on my blog. And I got a call for help from a sibling needing a partner for Thursday night, so I agreed, though I will only be there in pixel form.

Wednesday I hitched up the wagon (taxi) and got myself to the Audiologist in Worthing.  I still need another trip to have the second hearing aid serviced, but I don't want to be without it until Col is back home after his hospital trip.  I had a terrific wrestle with my Smartphone (which is still outsmarting me at every turn) when trying to get a taxi to take me back. Fortunately Captain Butterfly donned his superhero tights, realised I was trying to get through to him, phoned me and then phoned for the taxi. 

I was able to talk to one of my taxi drivers about the Biblical standard for marriage, in which the wife is to have "deep respect" for her husband, while he loves and cherishes her, as somebody very precious to him.  He seems - rightly - disturbed about the way the world is going, so I hope, and must remember to pray, that he will think over what we talked about.  On the second journey we talked about Thailand, as the wife of my driver is Thai.  I was telling him how quiet Chang Mai was when we first went there - well on our only visit there - more than thirty years ago. Apparently it is a real tourist hub now.

It is very early Thursday morning, and I have an appointment with Specsavers, and will presumably find out if I have now reached the stage where my cataracts can be operated on.  It will take a long and dreary hour to go through it all, but it must be done.

Then I will have to chose the frame for my new glasses.  I am still trying to find the one that will make me look exactly like Kate Moss.  It had not turned up the last time I was in.

Maybe this time!   You will know if so, as a photo of me will head every blog from now on.

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