Saturday 11 February 2023

What Lurks in Lobbs Wood?

Well, I managed to help with the tea and coffee at the Kingdom Hall without any Beverage Related Disasters occurring. So that is a plus. I got the easy job too, dispensing the tea, as most people seemed to want coffee.

I have been watching some YouTube videos about disappearances in America's National Parks. These parks are vast wilderness areas, so beautiful, so wild, and often full of bears and cougars.  As they should be of course - the wilderness is their home.  But a lot of people have disappeared in them - experienced hikers and hunters too - and not necessarily at the hands (and teeth and claws) of the local wildlife.  So I told Captain M-B I hoped he would never take to adventuring in such places.  I worry about him enough on his detectoring days out there in the Wiltshire Wilderness.

And I shall be very careful the next time I walk the 20 paces that take me through Lobbs Wood - see Col's picture of our own local fearsome wilderness above.  

There is always a Red Admiral butterfly in there during the summer, I do know that. And who is to say if it might not turn nasty one day... ? And, OK, so, no, we cannot compete with the American version.

Its just the older I get, the more fragile and precious the gift of life seems, as if even the touch of the wing of a slightly annoyed butterfly might take it away - let alone vast earthquakes which swallow up thousands in an instant.

Our Watchtower study at the Hall on Sunday was very comforting,  as it was about the Bible's promise of everlasting life.  And I need to keep firmly in mind that our Creator, Jehovah, can remember us, keep us safe in his memory, every hair of our heads numbered, and can re-create us, wake us from the dreamless sleep of death when the time comes. 

Friday morning was yet another medical check-up and rather a cheerful occasion.  Col came in with me as the very nice nurse was going to teach me how to use the Blood Sugar testing machine.  We had quite a chat, and found out that she too had worked on Planet Expat, and had friends who worked at our company hospital.  We had an interesting consultation and made each other laugh. Not bad for a medical occasion!

Oh and I also found out that I will only need to use the machine IF I ever have to go on insulin, and then the NHS will supply one.  

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