Sunday 21 February 2021

A Part in the School

I managed to get two letters done, dusted and sent - to Kathryn and Linda, enclosing a small leaflet in each.  Both of them are rightly troubled by the way the world is.  And, unfortunately, as my Smartphone seems to have a much higher IQ than me, I didn't manage to find the message from the brother taking the school asking if I was OK and prepared until after I had done my part. By which time, of course, he knew.

Anyway, here it is. I had the Bible Study - a first for me  - which is a 5 minute part.  And I had to work on: practical value made clear:

Sue:  Now we come to the last paragraph in this chapter: How can drawing close to God benefit you?  Would you read it .

Student reads: "Jehovah cares for those who love him. He can protect them from anything that could jeopardize their faith and their hope of everlasting life.  He warns us against ways of life that threaten our health and happiness. Jehovah teaches us the best way of life.​"

Sue: So do you notice it says that Jehovah can protect them, which is to say, us, you and me, from anything that might prevent us drawing close to him and having the everlasting life in the restored earthly paradise that he wants for us?  Only I know from what you tell me that although you do like what you are hearing and feel it is truly Bible based, you do have a problem with the idea of any kind of organised religion.   

Student:  Yes, after my experiences in childhood, I feel I never want to be part of a religious group again, but I do love what I am learning. 

Sue: Yes, I can see from what you have told me why this is such a problem for you. Be sure that Jehovah completely understands and can and will help you.  Let's look at Psalm 91:1,2, which is quoted in the para. It says: "Anyone dwelling in the secret place of the Most High Will lodge under the shadow of the Almighty.  I will say to Jehovah: “You are my refuge and my stronghold, My God in whom I trust.”   How do you feel about that?  

Student:  Jehovah is telling us we can trust him, which is very reassuring.

Sue:  Yes.  We can trust everything written in his inspired word to set things straight for us. And we can also pour out our hearts to him in prayer and be sure he will hear us.  So please tell him of all your difficulties, and ask for his help.  And as you continue with your study you will find real help in the next chapters, as they explain why Jehovah congregates his people, and how this benefits us.  And think too about how he is already helping us, right now.  Have you noticed changes in your life since you began studying the Bible?

Student:  Funnily enough, my husband has noticed something. He says I have become much calmer.  And I must admit that I have found the whole Lockdown very stressful.  Its not just the Covid crisis but all the awful things happening in the world. I found myself watching every News programme going and getting more and more anxious. But since we began this study find I am not obsessed with the news anymore.

Sue:  I am so glad he has noticed a new calmness about you. Do you think it is because of what you are  learning?

Student:  Yes, I do.  I think that learning about the Kingdom - what it is, and what it will do is so reassuring.   Oh, and I have learnt to use Zoom too to do this study. My husband is quite impressed with that.  

Sue:  Me too!  I never thought I would be Zooming away like this.  And as for calmness, I don't understand how people cope without the good news of the Kingdom.  So Jehovah can help us in every way - and he also helps us to help others.  And to underline that point, shall we read one more of the quoted Scriptures before we finish the study for today. Would you like to read Psalm 73:28

Student reads Psalm 73:28:  "But as for me, drawing near to God is good for me. I have made the Sovereign Lord Jehovah my refuge, to declare all your works." 

Sue:  Drawing close to God is good for us. Jehovah not only offers us a wonderful future, but he can be such a refuge, such a comfort, right now.  We do not have to wait until the paradise earth to start feeling the benefits of serving him.  We will finish the study here as its the end of the chapter, and I will say thank you in prayer. 

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