Tuesday 21 April 2020

The Little Hearts Fly Up

I am having an on-going problem re my new Ears.  I had had all the prelims then the Lockdown came before I actually went to get the things fitted.  But over the last few days various people from The Audiologists keep ringing up wanting to speak to me about trying to get them to me.  And I keep explaining that I can't actually hear them - not until I get my new Ears.

Its a classic Catch 22. 

The family Zoom meeting on Saturday night went well.   Maybe we are starting to get the hang of it.  And we all seem to be navigating the Sunday congregation meeting. It now includes a random division into chat rooms after the meetings so we can have 10 minutes to talk to each other.

My nature diary is not going too well though.  There was a - well it might have been our murmuration (of starlings) on the Green yesterday - but I think I will have to record it as a throngregation as I couldn't be sure.  It was a flock of somethings with wings anyway. And there were two pigeons courting on the garage roof. (She didn't seem too keen - had a headache perhaps.)

The York branch of the family reports geese in their garden - with the photos.

It is a sunny Tuesday - hard to keep track of the days sometimes.

We watch Chris Packham and Megan on fb in the Self-Isolating Bird Club every weekday morning - fascinating as always - and I love seeing the little hearts (for love) and the blue thumbs (for like) streaming up the right hand side of the screen.  Col blocked them once when he expanded the screen - and when he shrank it back, a cloud of little hearts burst out and flew up the screen.

A cloud of love.

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