Monday 27 April 2020

Hanging out? Or not?

Its Monday morning and we are trying to connect with each other on Hangout. By we, I mean the Yorkshire, Sydney and English Channel Branches of the family.  Nothing is happening so far though we are all trying.      And we failed. 

Oh well.  And actually the worst thing about lockdown for me, so far, is having to appear on all those computer cameras.   And just as we gave up - and I went off to make lunch for the Captain and me, they succeeded in getting through in something called Teams.  Well the Yorkshire branch - Sheffield/Hull - managed to.

We plan to try again tomorrow... there is only a narrow time window given we are on opposite sides of the globe.  My bro has been an Aussie for a long long time now.

It was quite a busy morning. Our first Waitrose order came - it was all very efficient and on time,  and we got that unloaded and into the fridge freezer etc. Then Col's moth trap arrived and he has been making it. It is a hideous thing on our lovely balcony bower.  I did manage to get the day's studying done on the balcony before the moth trap horror had me in retreat.

Here is a piece of possible good news from today's Guardian:
"In cities, human lockdowns during the coronavirus pandemic have offered some respite to the natural world, with clear skies and the return of wildlife to waterways. Now evidence of a drop in underwater noise pollution has led experts to predict the crisis may also be good news for whales and other sea mammals."

Suddenly we are leaving a bit more space, a bit more quiet, for the animals. Though I still worry about our seagulls, who can usually rely on bringing up their families on fish and chips from all our splendid chippies and restaurants along the river. They rely on us, and we continue to let them down.

And so it will be till God's Kingdom is ruling over the earth.

And what will that Kingdom do, according to the Inspired Scriptures?

The answer is as clear and simple as this.    Shortly, God will replace all human governments with his own government. It is a heavenly government - it rules from heaven.  And its subjects will enjoy peace and good health, such as we have never yet known it.

Isaiah 25:8 tells us that, through that Kingdom government "He will swallow up death forever, And the Sovereign Lord Jehovah will wipe away the tears from all faces. The reproach of his people he will take away from all the earth, For Jehovah himself has spoken it."

He will wipe away the tears from all faces. All causes for sorrow and suffering will be gone.

Isaiah 33:24 assures us there will be no more sickness - no more Coronavirus lockdowns.   ""And no resident will say: “I am sick.” The people dwelling in the land will be pardoned for their error."

And when thinking about this prophecy in Daniel 2:44, as I so hope you will, please bear in mind that the book of Daniel contains the amazing 70 weeks prophecy. It not only told the Jews the exact year the Messiah would appear, but it warned what would happen after the Messiah was "cut off" in death.

And it was fulfilled exactly.

Daniel 2:44 says that “In the days of those kings the God of heaven will set up a kingdom that will never be destroyed. And this kingdom will not be passed on to any other people. It will crush and put an end to all these kingdoms, and it alone will stand forever,."

God's Kingdom will put an end, once and for all to the time that "man has dominated man to his harm".

I would like to leave you with this question.  Why is the good news urgent?    Why are we knocking at doors worldwide trying to tell you the good news of God's Kingdom at this time - even if it can only be at your virtual doors in some countries at the moment?

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