Monday 25 March 2019

An Important Invitation - and climbing the North Face of Mount Paperwork

What did I do on Thursday and Friday... think... think  (Note to Sound Effects: Please supply the sound of two brain cells whirling round a large empty space, occasionally colliding and producing a thought.)   Obviously I finished my study for the Thursday night meeting  - the congregations worldwide are just starting Paul's first letter to the Corinthians.  And I got to the Meeting. And yesterday I did my Watchtower study for Sunday.

How Can you Safeguard Your Heart?

Very well worth a read.

Oh and I did get back to my editing work, which at least gave me no bad dreams this time. Or not any that I remember.  I re-worked Umbrellas a bit, and was comforted to notice that it seems fine with a bit of tweaking.  I had feared a re-write looming up.

And I got back to something I started ages ago, and abandoned. Which is to tackle one load of paperwork a day - from my files - the idea being to sort and shred, sort and shred.  So I am toiling up the massive North face of Mount Paperwork, very slowly.  And without Sherpa support.

Jackie joined us for fish and chips on Saturday night - and Jean and I got to the Field Service group in the morning. We are now starting to deliver the invitations to the Special Talk and Memorial, which are to be held next month.

I hope you will all receive an invite and attend.

The Special Talk:  Reach Out for the Real Life!  will be given on Sunday, April 14.  But I don't know what time your local Kingdom Hall has its Sunday meeting. That will be on the invite.

And the Memorial will be on Sunday, April 19.  After sunset.  Our memorial will start at 8:00 p.m.   And I imagine most will start about that time, but, once again, the time will be on your invitation.

And it will be held worldwide, on that day. 

It was the meetng on Sunday - and how do people get by without this teaching?   I also did Jackie's shopping and delivered it.

Spring may finally be here and I wish I could describe just how beautiful the day was.  But, under the "Comes in like a Lamb, Goes out like a Lion" rule, March should end on rather a stormy note. We will see if these old sayings are still valid.

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