Tuesday 13 February 2018

A Feederful of Goldfinches

Goldfinches, Carduelis carduelis
Captain B took me to Arundel for lunch Monday - chicken stew and mash for him, cheese sarnie and crisps for me.  Such a beautiful day - sky so blue, clouds so big and white and fluffy - and everything shining and glinting in the sun.   And we went to my current favourite hide and saw a feeder full of Goldfinches - exquisite little things, squabbling in a fierce yet dainty manner over the perches.

They are like woodland fairies.
We hadn't realised it was half term though!  And while it is wonderful to see all these children being taken round, we do prefer it a bit quieter. 

Its Tuesday morning and its blowing a gale. There was a wonderful red sunrise, reminding me of that rhyme from my childhood:

Red sky at night
Shepherd's delight
Red sky in the morning
Shepherd's warning.

So I am not sure what this sky portends.  A fall in wool prices maybe?   Anyway as long as it doesn't portend a monsoon, Jean and I hope to be out this morning, telling people about the One who is the source of all this power and splendour.

The Channel is fantastic - great waves - all the power and energy, right outside the window  - SPLASH, AAARRRGGHH, GLUG, glug, glu

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