Sunday 7 February 2010

Another driving triumph - almost

I got an emergency call from Audrey this morning, as her lift had got a punctured tyre, could I pick her up. I could and did, but when we got to the Hall there were only 2 parking places left and I needed to get into the far one so that other one was useable. Well, back and fill as I might, I could not do it. Thank goodness, one of the elders, Steve, came to my rescue and helped me.

A lovely meeting.

Captain Butterfly had flown off to a Metal Detecting Site, but no Viking Hoard today.

I am still full of a cold, coughing and coughing and feeling dizzy. I did swing by the lady who I left the 'What Does the Bible Really Teach?' book with, but there was no-one there. I have been lying on the sofa coughing and having hots cups of tea ever since.

The evenings are getting lighter and the Channel is calm.

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