Friday 27 January 2023

The Small Print

 "I should have read the small print" said Captain Moth-Butterfly ruefully.  He had just said that he never thought he would be cuddling a 75 year old lady - old being the operative word - and I pointed out that he had better cuddle her while he could as during this year I will transmute into a 76 year old lady.

"Can't I trade you in for a younger model?" he asked plaintively.  "Not allowed in the contract", I reminded him firmly.  Which caused the lament about the small print.  In any case, my trade-in value these days would be minimal to none.

And I tormented myself with another anxiety dream on Tuesday night. I was trying to tell a very nice young lad I had met at some kind of Occasion what the Bible says. In the dream he had asked  the right question: Why if there is a Creator who is both all-powerful and kind is the world so full of cruelty and injustice?

I was longing to show him what Genesis says, but try as I might I could not find Genesis in my Bible.  In desperation I tried to find the last book of the Bible, Revelation. as that not only refers us back to what happened in Eden, as it warns us about "the original serpent", but it also assures us of how wonderful the coming rescue will be, when Jehovah will wipe out every tear from our eyes.  But Revelation had disappeared too!

Then I thought, well, I will just tell him what it says, but at that point my bus came (? don't ask, I don't know) and the nice young lad put put me on the bus, looking worried.

Goodness knows what that was all about, what depths of anxiety were being plumbed.  But isn't life stressful enough without my sleeping brain adding to it?

But it has come back to me that he warned me that my belt was falling off. Which makes me think of Ephesians, which tells us to "wear the belt of truth" around our waist.  Is this a guilt dream because i have been slacking off in my study of God's word?

It is worth thinking about.  The other problem is that I have taken to drinking coffee, not tea. And I think I need to return myself to tea. I am sitting here right now with my second cup of coffee to hand, and it is not lunchtime yet.  And I am not sleeping well.

Anyway, here is a news item that appeared on Wednesday, that is at once so sad - poor poor little lad and his family - but also wonderful, in that it seems the crocodile was trying to save the child, certainly not hurt him.  And who knows what might have happened had the croc been there when the child fell in.  Would he have returned him safe to shore?  I would love to think so. It would have been a paradise earth moment, the earthly creation helping not hurting each other. 

I have found a Croc photo from the Captain's Log to remember the little lad and the kind creature, who I really hope was trying to help.

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