Sunday 15 January 2023

Sleeping Sally

While we were up North, Nute reminded me of another Sally poem I had written - before, of course, I understood that Genesis is the history of us, and that it is true, not a "creation myth" - in other words that we were created, that we have a Creator.  But maybe I was having some doubts about the theory of Evolution even back then, for all it is pushed at us so strongly.  For sure, I saw it meant that life was ultimately futile.  It seemed so bleak. But I was thinking and wondering about it, as I felt I needed to know the truth. How do you know how to live unless you do?

The poem has several titles, but "Sleeping Sally" is its first and best.


(With apologies to Wendy Cope)



Sleeping Sally dreams of biscuits
Hordes and hordes and herds of biscuits
Herds of migrating chocolate biscuits
Thundering across the primeval plain

Sally and ancestral sisters
Rush among the herds of biscuits
Bark and tumble, kill and guzzle
Satiated, they sleep under the hot sun.

The ape upon the hillside
Watches Sally enviously
Soon the apeman will have tools
He’ll corral the biscuits into packets
And dole them out meanly- one by one.

I don't know whether I should add a health warning about chocolate not being good for dogs - something we did not know back then.  But given that if there ever were herds of chocolate biscuits they are now extinct, it is probably OK.  I am not sure that Sally could have caught one anyway. She never managed to get near a squirrel in the park for all her efforts.

And if you would like to read the scientific case for creation, then please do look at this link:  You will find a lot of valuable information in short and easy to read articles.

This is so important, as what our Creator, Jehovah,  is offering us is everlasting life in a paradise earth  - and more happiness than we can now imagine.  We need to take hold of his offer if we want to be there.  And we need to come to know him to be able to do that.

It saddens me to think how many years I lived my life persuaded that Genesis was simply a "creation myth", and so never bothered to even read it and find out what it was so urgently telling me.

Col left very early for The Field - as he did yesterday - with his box of cake and sandwiches and a metal detector at every corner. And I am about to attend the Sunday meeting, in pixel form, as I am still in the throes of a bad cold, with the attendant coughing, sneezing, sore throat, and the added extra of sore eyes.

It is sunny this morning - and the rain has stopped.  It is apparently going to get colder and more wintery during the week, which it needs to do as it is still midWinter.

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