Tuesday 9 November 2021

A Grumpy Old Woman

 "We'll sink another mine shaft down" says a miner from Aussie Gold Hunters (one of my top favourite programmes).  

"As opposed to sinking it UP!"  I scream, rubber brick at the ready.

"I'm reducing the sauce down." says just about any TV Chef.

"As opposed to reducing it UP!" I scream, hurling aforementioned rubber brick at the screen.

"The word down is INCLUDED in the words "sinking" and "reducing."It makes no sense to add it."  I sob quietly to myself.

Surely the dumbing-down of language does matter?  And is this a continual process from the immense complexity of the earliest languages to the gutter grunts of some movie scripts and some music these days?

Or am I just a Grumpy Old Woman?

A consolation?  As we continually study the the Bible in the congregations, I do have in front of me all the time the perfect, exact and beautiful way Jehovah, the Creator of language, uses language.  I feel more and more grateful that Wilhemina and Ruby called at my Sheffield doorstep all those years ago, Bibles and Watchtower magazines in hand, to introduce me to the beauty and power of the Inspired Scriptures.

Anyway back to being grumpy.  I ventured another little walk yesterday. And I do mean little. Simply taking the recyc down to the bins, and walking back up the stairs. And am I paying for it today? Answer: Yes. Pain in right leg woke me up early to take as many meds as possible.  Now they have booked me in for Physio. Even getting myself there is probably going to cripple me, let alone doing anything even vaguely physio-related.

This is what comes of being past my sell by date.  On the doubleplusgood side though, we are still here, me and the Captain, and I appreciate the gift of life more and more every day.  Its all so interesting and so wonderful.  And I appreciate the Captain more and more too.  Spending lockdown with him has been great.  Not sure what he might have to say about this, so I am quickly going to lock my blogdoor and we will leave lockdown as a peaceful idyll.

I just found I had another lovely review for Waiting for Gordo" on good reads! I will probably blog it, as I am thrilled when people say they loved reading the books.

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