Wednesday 31 March 2021

The Dog that Protected its Person from a Caterpillar

This is a medical week - the Ballad of Old Age.  Monday - blood test - routine - for arthritic purposes; Tuesday - Second Covid Vax, the Captain and his Mrs together; Wednesday - Toothmaggedon proper begins...and I still don't know if I have made the right choice.  But something has to be done as my mouth is now quite sore.  

I haven't worried much about the Vax and its after-effects, but I am a little worried about this second one as some seem to have reacted quite badly to it.  However, in a pandemic, it must be done.

Jacks rang me on Monday afternoon and we cheered each other up, had a good old moan too, and wondered when we will ever get to see each other again.   

I have been having bad nights - left hand flare up - and am stuffed to the gills with painkillers. So if this blog seems rather incoherent, that is my excuse.   And added to that is that I have had a reaction to the Vax, felt very seasick and dizzy last night. But am a bit better this morning - and I slept OK, which always helps. 

The Captain and I listened to a talk on Caterpillars yesterday afternoon...  extraordinary creatures, some of which mimic snakes - and some of which mimic bird droppings...   There was a great photo of a dog - a golden retriever I think - nose to nose with a snake-mimic caterpillar they had come across on their country walk.  Apparently the dear dog was most concerned - pointed, whimpered and cleared ground around the little creature, so his person could see it and be safe!  He never touched it though.

The slide showed valiant dog and valiant caterpillar nose to nose in a face-off.  Well, having said that, the dog was nose end up, but with a caterpillar, its often hard to tell.

And, to all Evolutionists out there, how could the caterpillar process evolve?   The tiny egg, coded with so much information that it becomes that little eating train, the caterpillar, in all its amazing varieties and disguises, which then transforms into a chrysalis, out of which bursts that flying flower, the butterfly.

Isn't this a miracle in plain sight?   It tells us, as clearly as if it spoke, that the caterpillar has a Grand Designer.  

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