Monday 19 August 2019

Woods Mill in the Rain

Woods Mill
Friday was a medical day.  Off to the Dermatologist in the morning. Very nice lady, and I met the boss who was called in to help. She is honest about the fact that I may have to live with this - and that is one advantage of being in your seventies (it will be years not decades - assuming, gulp, that I even have years) - but they are trying what they can. I have to spend the next two weeks on a very powerful med and a special new skin cream.  However, we haven't yet been able to find a supplier. We are in hopes of finding it on our expedition this afternoon.

After the hospital, we went to Woods Mill, where we ate our sandwich lunch on a bench under a sheltering tree and watched the rain falling on the lilypond lake.  It was so lovely - and there was that feeling of summer toppling into Autumn everywhere.  I hope I thanked Jehovah for creating such a beautiful world.  If not, I am doing so now.

But what a tragic mess we are making of it... the news at the moment, as we see the foretold "increase in lawlessness" worldwide, it seems as if every day someone is stabbed to death on the streets of London!  And surely its impossible now not to see that the system is corrupt from top to bottom. What horrors are being unveiled, reaching right up to the top and done in plain sight of the great and "the good".

Why should anyone doubt one word of the Biblical warnings about "the world", the current world system we live in. And please please note the urgent necessity of being no part of it - of taking no part in its devious divisive politics, its cruel wars, and its corrupt moral standards.

In the meantime in spite of everything it is possible to see everywhere glimpses of the paradise that the earth is meant to be, and will be.  As we saw at Woods Mill.. As I see every time I look out over the beautiful English Channel  (or French Channel to those across the water).

After Woods Mill we shopped - delivered Jackie's shopping to her - and then we got a call from Jean, who needed a lift to the doctors.  We both went, Captain B chauffering, as he dropped us off at the Surgery and went off to begin his Quest for my new medicine.

So it was, as I said, a medical day.  And I was glad that we had a quiet night in, watching a classic Midsomer Murders.   We also had a quiet night in on Saturday, as Jackie cancelled, not feeling well enough to come over and eat a meal.   But Jean and I did get out on the work in the morning - we continued our Bible study, and also tried to find the lady who wants the Bible.  But once again she wasn't at home. And you can't push it through the letter box!

Sunday - meeting in the morning - housework in the afternoon - and a supper of cold chicken (Jackie's portion from yesterday) for Himself and lentil crips, Alpen and fruit for me.

 I am still eating more fruit than  I should, but not nearly as much as  I did.  Anyway, I will get more info from the diabetes nurse next month.  Yet more medical stuff - yet I must be very grateful that all this help is still available.  Having been around for the birth of the NHS,  I hope I am not not going to be witnessing its demise.

How much we  need God's Kingdom to come.  And it is so close now.

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