Friday 16 August 2019

A strange Arthritis Flare-up

This is a very plodding blog, but I want to record my flare-up as I need to tell the doc next time I see him (next year).  I have been having such an odd arthritis flare-up. It began in the thumb of my right hand - agonising pain - sleepless nights - and paralysed the hand. I missed the meeting Sunday week - listened in. Then it eased off, and started up again in the next finger.  Not so bad this time. Then it stopped and started up again in the next finger. Very bad this time.  However it gave me the Saturday in between and I managed to get out with Jean.. We had a very good morning, picking up on some of her long time calls, and even starting a Bible study with one gentleman!

All seems OK now - with residual soreness, and still a loss of some function, which I hope will return. But the trouble is that every attack can do some permanent damage.  I feel as if I have been through a long illness - something like a bad bout of flu. So I am hoping that means that it is not going to travel to the two remaining fingers. 

It has made for an odd and disjointed (ha!) couple of weeks.  Anyway, I hope that is it for the moment.   Jean and I went out Tuesday afternoon (I could do nothing Sunday and Monday) but found nobody at home - except our last call, which turned out to be a really really good one. I hadn't seen this gentleman for a long time, but he was genuinely pleased to see us, and was eager to read the magazine.   We hope to go back with our Bibles and the Good News Brochure.   It was a hot and sunny day.

Wednesday was rainy - grey and green and beautiful.   The work of our Grand Creatr, who has made everything lovely in its time.  So it was a housebound day.  I got some studying done, plus some much overdue housework, and the meals cooked (or heated up at any rate). 

Yesterday I had to wait in for my medicine to be delivered. It arrived on time, delivered by a very charming lad from somewhere in Eastern Europe.    It has to be signed for and refrigated.  And I got to the meeting, doing my usual chauffering, and it was excellent. Though I was very tired.

Today is a hospital day - my appointment with the Dermatologist - and then on to Woods Mill for a walk, and a sandwich lunch, and Captain B has to pick up a couple of banners for an Event.  We must also fit the shopping for us and Jacks somewhere into today.

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