Wednesday 7 August 2019

The Missing Micro-Moth

Scrubland Pigmy, Stigmella  plagicolella  on prunus leaf
Or I could have called this blog:  A Hospital, a Blood Test, and a Visit to a Nursing Home.  There ought to be a poem in that, or maybe an on-trend movie, set in wherever the Notting Hill set are spending their twilight years.   But for the moment it will just have to be a blog title.

I visited Maggie in her new home on Sunday after the meeting. And, after 3 appointments, I managed to get my diabetes blood test done.   I now await the results, assuming it doesn't travel through the system again leaving no record.   On Monday Captain Butterfly and I took Jean to the hospital for her appointment.  A long one - but at least its done and dusted.  And Tuesday Jean and I managed to get out - despite her medical adventures - and do some much needed return visiting.    One lady said to me that it was a long time since she saw me.   It is. And I was touched that she remembered me and noticed. She is very very interested in the Bible.

The Man With the New Fridge Freezer comes today - and takes away our old ones.  And I plan to be out on the field service with one of the young pioneers this afternoon.  Oh, and as the Captain will be supervising fridge arrangements, I will be walking up to the Museum to get his ring back from our lovely Finds Officer.  He hasn't gone and proposed to her or anything, it is the ring he detected-up ages ago and had to hand in as Treasure Trove - and that is now being returned to him. The landowner generously waived his right to his share of its value by asking the Col to make a donation to a Hospice he supports. Which Col has done. A worthy cause.

And Col's current micro-moth went missing, somewhere in our kitchen, before he could photograph it again!  He wanted a better photo than the one he got in the field.  Quite a traumatic evening - kitchen door remaining sternly closed - open it at my peril - moth the size of a fruit fly - not too hopeful it is going to re-appear - and frankly no chance of my seeing it if it did. Not these days.

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