Monday 3 June 2019

MayDay, M'Aidez

And I do need help, a rescue from this awful skin condition that is attacking me. I am covered with raw red weals, and feel quite sick and shaky.  I have had a biopsy, and hope and pray that they will find out what is causing this - and that its treatable. 

If it does prove to be the arthritis medication, I will have to come off it. Which will leave me housebound.  But, maybe at my age, oh dear... I have to remind myself that, in my seventies, its all borrowed time.   And that, no matter how much I long to be young and fit again, I would not go back at any price, unless I could go back knowing then what I know now.

Which in fact is what the Bible promises when it assures us that the meek (those meek towards their Creator) will inherit "the earth".  Only it will be a return to the life and fitness that we, the damaged children of Adam have never had, never known.

Oh, and an extra complication, it is within the bounds of possibilities that the cause of all this may be that I have developed coelaic disease, which is going to cause immense complications, as I will therefore have to avoid all coeliac - or possibly I mean gluten.  Now I am already diabetic and have to avoid most of the fruit and carbs/carbs and fruit that I lived on before.

What does that leave?   Tapwater?  If I then develop an allergy to that, this blog will not be continuing for a lot longer.  And its going to save the poor battered NHS a fortune.

 I am just reading Zachary Leader's bio of Kingsley Amis.  Not very cheering.  Interesting though. And I have  always been a fan of his poetry - not so much his novels, though they can be very funny.

It - all biographies - remind me that we - the children of Adam - really are "sheep without a shepherd" - lost and in great danger.  And that there is no lasting happiness for anyone cut off from our Creator, as we are now.

Jesus said:  "I am the fine shepherd; the fine shepherd surrenders his life in behalf of the sheep. 1The hired man, who is not a shepherd and to whom the sheep do not belong, sees the wolf coming and abandons the sheep and flees—and the wolf snatches them and scatters them—  because he is a hired man and does not care for the sheep.  I am the fine shepherd. I know my sheep and my sheep know me,  just as the Father knows me and I know the Father; and I surrender my life in behalf of the sheep." - John 10:11-15

Yes.   Among Jehovah's congregated people I can hear and be guided by the voice of the fine shepherd. And I hope more and more people will come to know that.

There is more happiness ahead for us, right here on the earth, than we can now imagine.

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