Monday 27 July 2020

The Gold Dance

Captain Butterfly finally got to do the Gold Dance on Sunday!  He found a gold coin - a Celtic Stater from 65 B.C. - right at the end of yesterday's dig.   He is a happy bunny.  

It is a lovely coin - and in excellent condition, considering its age.  And if that coin could talk it would probably be saying "More than can be said for you lady!"   And we would also be able to find out what the inside of an ancient Celtic purse looked like. Full details and photos will appear on his blog later today.

I finally got to the hairdresser and got myself sheared.  I have hardly any hair left, but it has to last, in case they lock us down again.  Though hopefully they won't. I don't see how the economy (that mysterious thing) is going to recover from this current lockdown.

Chatted to Jacks and Jean - we keep in touch even though we can't see each other at the moment.   And Anne of The Cape and I have been emailing about spiritual things. She is a seeker, and I so much want her to find.  We had the normal Sunday meeting - public talk and Watchtower study - and a chat in the chat rooms afterwards. I found myself in a twosome this time, which was nice.   The next two Sundays we will have the shortened Watchtower and then we will watch the Saturday Convention - Morning, then Afternoon Sessions - on our various devices.  I am really looking forward to it.

And there is a treasure that is greater than a trillion hoards of gold staters - and it is there for everyone. But you have to put the effort in to find it.  You have to search for it.  And I am going to use Captain B with his detectorist hat on as an example.  He always strives to be there at the start of a dig, and will stay whatever the weather (within reason - metal detectors/field/thunderstorm/lightning//aarrgghh) - till they close it.  He keeps on seeking.

Gold coins are not guaranteed, no matter how hard we look.  But if we keep on seeking for our Creator, Jehovah, we WILL find him.  As he himself says, he will let himself be found by us.  This is from last week's "Examining the Scriptures Daily", and it is true:
"What is the greatest form of recognition that we can strive for? It is not the kind of attention that people seek in the academic, business, and entertainment fields of this world. Rather, it is the kind that Paul described for us in these words: “Now that you have come to know God or, rather, have come to be known by God, how is it that you are turning back again to the weak and beggarly elementary things and want to slave for them over again?” (Gal. 4:9) What a wonderful privilege it is to “come to be known by God,” the Supreme Ruler of the universe! He is willing to have an intimate relationship with us. As one scholar stated, we “become objects of his favourable attention.” When Jehovah acknowledges us as his friends, we achieve the very reason for our existence.​—Eccl. 12:13, 14."

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