Sunday 25 February 2024

An Ear Fail...

I chose this photo of Crocus at Small Dole as we drove past some crocus - crocuses, croci? - among the drifts of daffodils, on Friday.

It was a medical day - 2 trips to the surgery - and my appointment at Southlands. 

My ears, or hearing aids, or both, failed mid meeting on Thursday night so I heard little of anything else. I could read along with most of it of course, but felt so depressed about it all.  Presumably it was my ears, as the hearing has come back - pretty much - but it leaves me wondering what will happen next.

The late seventies is strange and frightening new territory, with that edge - Philip Larkin's "huge and birdless silence" - looming closer and closer.

I am on a different (and unexpected) new medication for my skin condition, which is also apparently an anti-depressant, though I am not being given it for that reason. The doctor warned me that a side effect was nightmares, and so to take it a few hours before bedtime.

I did, and had strange and vivid dreams - and woke up with a very dry mouth, feeling a bit as if I had been coshed. Last night I could not sleep at all. I was intending to  take the tablets for the prescribed month and then decide whether or not to stay on them - but if they stop me from sleeping, I will have to stop taking them.

But on my sleeping-like-I-had-been-coshed night, my dream did not turn into a nightmare, for which I am grateful, as it could have. I dreamt that I saw a gang of ladettes, one of whom set a house on fire. I decided to speak up by giving a witness. And when I revealed that I was a JW, the chief ladette said "Well, I guessed you weren't scouting for a TV Documentary".  By which she meant, she guessed I wasn't anything interesting, anything that would interest her.

And the dream faded and vanished.  For which I do thank God, as I had prayed not to have any nightmares.

But how I wish everyone would at least hear us out.  Because when they do, they will find out what the Bible is actually saying, the wonderful future it promises us, right here on the lovely earth, IF we will listen to our Creator now.

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