Saturday 15 April 2023

Putting Away my Toys

We spent yesterday afternoon at the Audiologist - at Boots.  One hearing aid has been sent to the Audio Garage and will be away for about a week.  And the tests showed that one ear has deteriorated, the other has held steady.

I wonder how long I will even be able to get to these constant and interminable health appointments. The more you need them, the less able you are to cope with them.

But then if you accept the truth of Genesis, this was never meant to happen to us. Which is why it is so difficult to deal with.

We had a quick trip to Marks and Sparks on the way back and got ourselves a chill cabinet curry for supper, to keep things easy.  Col had rice. I didn't.  It was very nice.

As age bites down on me I find myself thinking of H.G.Well's words, which I am sure I have quoted in this blog before.

When he was seventy years old, Literary London gathered together to celebrate his birthday, and he made a speech in which after thanking everyone for coming, he said:  "Yet all the time I will confess that the mellow brightness of this occasion is not without a shadow. I hate being seventy.... Tonight I am very much in the position of a little boy at a lovely party, who has been given quite a lot of jolly toys and who has spread his play about the floor.  Then comes his nurse, "Now Master Bertie," she says, "it's getting late. Time you began to put away your toys."  I don't in least want to put away my toys."

This is from the biography by Michael Coren.

The time for me to put away my toys is fast approaching. I am now nearer eighty than seventy, and I am not from a long-lived family.  Only one of my grandparents made it past eighty - and then only just.

Do I want to leave Captain Butterfly and this lovely fascinating earth?  No, I do not.  I want us to "inherit the earth" and live on it forever.  But maybe I will have to come the long way round, IF I am to be there.

I made it across the Roundabout of Terror this morning - and back - but just as I was over it, and to my horror, the car began to die on me. It seemed to lose power and kept stalling. There was nowhere I could safely stop, so I prayed and prayed and managed to get it safely home.

So it has to got back to the garage on Monday...

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