Wednesday 9 November 2022


It was such a lovely surprise on Sunday afternoon when this beautiful bunch of flowers arrived, together with one of my congregation sisters. She had also bought me back "Disraeli Hall", which I had lent her, and which she said she had enjoyed. And she and her husband had got me some Get-well flowers to go along with it.

I was feeling a bit down and it came just at the right time to cheer me up - the flowers - and the fact she had enjoyed the book.

People sometimes say to me that they will believe in God if he shows them a miracle.  Yet we are surrounded by miracles!  Every flower is a miracle of beauty and engineering, beyond the power of our finest scientists and artists to create.

No wonder Jehovah is called the Grand Creator.

Captain Moth-Butterfly and I are still limping around with our various feet problems.   And I still have a sore throat and am spending half the day blowing my nose.  But he made it to the shops yesterday so we are stocked up.  It has been raining and raining, but as I write this, early on Tuesday morning, a watery sun is trying to shine through.

Actually, I love weather, including rainy days, everything.  It is all so beautiful.  The waves on the Channel have been roaring away these last few days - all the power and energy.  Today was sunny and I even got a half an hour on the balcony doing my Bible reading for the day while  listening to the ocean roaring and surging.

I spoke to the siblings in Zoom on Monday, but not to the Oz Branch  who is down with Covid!  Which is a reminder that it has in no way gone away, and its long term effects are still unknown.  

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