Wednesday 3 August 2022

The Script for the School

There was a Lime-speck Pug on our wall this morning. Hopefully the scaffolding is discouraging the moth-eating magpie.

This was the script for my part in the Ministry School last Thursday.  It was the Bible Study and we - my Bible student and I - were going through the Summary in Lesson 5 of Enjoy Life Forever.

We had 5 minutes, and were just under time I think.

Sue: Now we have finished the chapter The Bible is God’s Message to Us, it will help us to go through this short summary. It starts with this point, that some people say: “The Bible is just an old book written by humans.” And if you remember we talked about how both of us were among those people. Neither of us was brought up to believe that the Bible is the word of our Creator.

Student: Well no. I never saw it that way.

Sue: I am hoping that, like me, studying it has made you change your mind. So I would love to know how you feel now, especially in view of the chapter we are just finishing.

Student. I do feel differently. For one thing I had no idea what the Bible actually said. And what it does say is starting to make sense.

Sue, I am so glad to hear you say that. And has the evidence we studied in this chapter helped to make this change?

Student: Yes. I was truly surprised when I realised how much opposition there has been to the Bible message - that video about William Tyndale and how he was killed because he just wanted people to find out for themselves what the Bible says really did make me think.

Sue: It was very powerful wasn’t it? We read Psalm 119:97. Lovely words. Would you like to read them now and remind us.

Student reads Psalm 119:97 "How I do love your law! I ponder over it all day long."

Sue: Like the Psalmist, William Tyndale knew and loved Jehovah’s law and he wanted others to come to know and love it too. So with that in mind, could we briefly look at these 3 questions. The first is What does it mean when we say that God inspired men to write the Bible?

Student: The book mentioned the way an employer dictates a letter to a secretary. The secretary may write or type it, but the message comes from the employer. So God inspired all these different men to write down his message.

Sue. Exactly. Well-remembered. And following on from that the next question is: What impresses you about the Bible’s survival, translation, and distribution?

Student: When you were showing me that the Bible is the most widely translated and distributed book in the world, that did surprise me because it seems it should not even be here at all, as it has had such powerful opponents, from both church and state. It seems a miracle it is still here!

Sue. That is such a good point. Because it is a miracle. Without Jehovah protecting it, how could it have survived such fierce and powerful opposition? But because he has protected it and made sure it is readily available to all, every one of us has a chance to hear his loving message to us. So I would love to know how does it make you feel that Jehovah has made such loving efforts to communicate with you?

Student: Grateful of course. And it makes me feel valued, I realise that he does care for me, for us. And it also makes me want to learn more about him.

Sue: I am so thrilled to hear that. And if you notice, the goal set out for the end of this chapter is to begin reading the Bible regularly, using the Chart mentioned. Do you think you would consider making a start on that. Only the more you study the Bible and the more you try to apply what it says, the more you will see how good it is, and become more and more convinced that it truly is God’s word.

Student: Yes, I think I should do.

Sue: If you look here on the inner cover, under the heading Get Started reading the Bible, it has some good ideas to get you started. Here it suggests that you choose a topic that interests you - and lists some ideas and appropriate Scriptures. For example wisdom for daily living - wisdom in the area of family, friendships and work - all things that can be difficult in today’s world.

Student. Thanks, that’s a good idea.

And, of course, the best  way to find out if the Bible truly is Jehovah's message to us is to study it, find out what it actually does say, and apply it.  Only by doing that can you find out how much Jehovah loves us and wants to help us.  And all during Lockdown, the worldwide congregation has kept helping us to do that, with regular meetings and teaching.  And please remember that all are welcome at our meetings.

Captain M-B started his work at the archaeological dig on Tuesday and was out a long time as he went on a SUSSAR search straight afterwards.  We are watching, and enjoying, the Commonwealth Games at the moment, and I am getting back into my meeting and field service routines.

I also have some writing work to continue - as we had a week of creative writing. I am wondering about posting some of my short stories in the blog.

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