Wednesday 23 February 2022

The Bow in the Cloud

The crisis in the Ukraine, escalates and the cruel Great Game that Satan is playing with all the nations continues.  Is President Putin going for a full scale invasion?  And hasn't the West also invaded and Shocked and Awed other countries? 

So have we, the damaged children of disobedient Adam, learnt nothing from our tragic past?

We need to be "no part" of it.  But I am obviously worried about my Ukrainian brothers and sisters in the congregation there.  Jehovah's Witnesses in Russia are already being persecuted by the Putin regime. I don't suppose he will be any kinder to them because they are Ukrainian.

Jackie's storm-battered chimney stack is now off the roof and piled neatly on her lawn, and Adam will have ensured all is capped and made safe.  It could so easily have fallen and gone through her conservatory.

We are all still addicted to Wordle - and post our scores on fb every day.

Another storm on Monday - Storm Franklin - though it seems to be hitting the North much harder. Nute posted that the Sheffield rivers are flooding, and says there is now a lake (Lake Danuta) in her front garden.  Mind you, Sheffield must be one of the hilliest cities in the world, and she lives high up on a hill, so if she goes underwater it means we would be in a Noah's Ark situation.  And God has promised us that will never happen again.

"And God added: “This is the sign of the covenant that I am making between me and you and every living creature that is with you, for all future generations. I put my rainbow in the cloud, and it will serve as a sign of the covenant between me and the earth. Whenever I bring a cloud over the earth, then the rainbow will certainly appear in the cloud.And I will certainly remember my covenant that I made between me and you and every living creature of every kind; and never again will the waters become a flood to destroy all flesh. And the rainbow will occur in the cloud, and I will certainly see it and remember the everlasting covenant between God and every living creature of every kind on the earth.”"  Genesis 9:12-16

So, at Armageddon, the present wicked system of things on the earth will be destroyed, but not by a deluge.  In whatever way he chooses, God will destroy it - lock, stock and barrel - which is why the command to be "no part" of it is increasingly urgent.

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